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White House

Project 25: The Conservative Blueprint for Government Overhaul

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Conservative organizations plan to reshape federal agencies and increase presidential power.

description: an anonymous group of individuals in a conference room, with charts and graphs displayed on a large screen. they are deep in discussion, pointing at various points on the screen and taking notes. the atmosphere is serious and focused, indicating the importance of the topic being discussed.

In 1970, as political activist Angela Davis languished in a jail cell for a crime she didn't commit, acclaimed writer and civil rights advocate. WASHINGTON (AP) — With more than a year to go before the 2024 election, a constellation of conservative organizations is preparing for a major shift in government with Project 25. The plan aims to dramatically reshape federal agencies, reduce their independence, and give more power to the president.

The brainchild of conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation, Project 25 outlines a series of moves to transform the executive branch. Trump insiders are pushing for a conservative agenda that would expand presidential powers and dismantle parts of the U.S. government. What would a second Trump term look like? His bluster on the stump—“I am your retribution”—contrasts with a first term in office where his actions were less extreme.

Project 25 is an assembly of personnel and policies to eliminate the independence of federal agencies. More than 50 conservative-leaning groups have united to create a program of government for the next Republican president. Rightwing groups penned a conservative wish list of proposals for the next conservative president to gut environmental protections.

project 25conservative organizationsfederal agenciespresidential powerheritage foundationtrumprepublican presidentgovernment overhaulindependenceconservative wish list
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