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The Republican Presidential Candidates of 2008: A Look Back

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Reflecting on the key players in the 2008 Republican primary race.

description: a group of republican candidates for the 2008 presidential nomination standing on a debate stage, with flags and banners in the background. the candidates are engaged in a lively discussion, with audience members looking on intently.

While Trump overwhelmingly won South Carolina's Republican primary, here's a look at which Republican candidates have previously won the party's nomination. In 2008, the Republican presidential candidate was John McCain. The primary race was a closely watched one, with several prominent figures vying for the nomination.

Often, in Republican presidential primaries without an incumbent in the race, the winner of the Iowa caucuses does not become the party's ultimate nominee. This was the case in 2008, as John McCain secured the nomination despite not winning the Iowa caucuses.

Behind most 2024 candidates is a handful of opulent billionaires flush with cash. In 2008, Mitt Romney was one of the candidates who brought significant financial resources to the table. His wealth and fundraising capabilities were seen as a major asset in the primary race.

South Carolina Democratic voters presented President Joe Biden with his first official victory on Saturday, Feb. 3. Although New Hampshire's primary was on the same day, the focus was on the Republican candidates in 2008 as they battled for the nomination.

On this day in 1964, the giant Eufaula dam was dedicated by President Lyndon Johnson. He threw a few partisan references into his speech, highlighting the political climate of the time. The 2008 Republican primary was also marked by intense political rhetoric and strategic maneuvering.

Former President Donald Trump looks now to be the inevitable nominee of the Republican Party. He has won each of the nominating contests so far, solidifying his position as the frontrunner in the 2024 election cycle. In 2008, John McCain emerged as the eventual nominee after a hard-fought primary season.

For the first time this year, both Democrats and Republicans are headed to the polls in New Hampshire, but only one party will award delegates. The 2008 Republican primary in New Hampshire was a critical battleground for the candidates, with each seeking to gain momentum early in the race.

Today, FiveThirtyEight is launching our endorsement tracker for the 2024 Republican presidential primary. And while it's early in the process, the 2008 primary serves as a reminder of how endorsements can impact a candidate's standing in the race.

If you did a Google search on Iowa caucuses, you'd come away with the conclusion that Iowa's first-in-the-nation caucuses began in 1972. The Iowa caucuses have long been a key early contest in the presidential primary season, shaping the trajectory of candidates' campaigns. In 2008, the caucuses played a pivotal role in determining the Republican nominee.

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