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White House

The Electric Horse of the White House: Calvin Coolidge's Unconventional Hobby

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A look into President Calvin Coolidge's unique hobby and the installation of an electric horse in the White House.

description: an anonymous image depicts a corner of the coolidge museum at forbes library, showcasing the now inoperable electric horse that calvin coolidge once rode three times a day.

The mechanical horse came quietly to the White House. President Calvin Coolidge had confided in an old friend that he was sad that the daily routine of riding horses was no longer possible for him. As a solution, his friend gifted him an electric horse, which was installed in the White House. This unusual hobby of Coolidge's is one of the many lesser-known facts about American presidents.

Author Eliza McGraw has unearthed an interesting horse tale about Calvin Coolidge, a former Massachusetts governor who served as president from 1923 to 1929. Coolidge's love for horses was well-known, and he often rode them to relieve stress and enjoy leisure time. However, due to security concerns and the urbanization of Washington, D.C., Coolidge was unable to continue this cherished activity.

It wasn't until the era of President Franklin Roosevelt that the holiday season at the White House moved toward becoming a bigger and more elaborate affair. However, Coolidge's unique hobby of riding an electric horse in the White House during his tenure was not widely publicized. This unconventional pastime remained a well-kept secret until recently.

Tucked away in a corner of the Coolidge Museum at Forbes Library is the now inoperable electric horse that Calvin Coolidge once rode three times a day. The horse, although no longer functional, serves as a testament to the president's love for horses and the lengths he went to fulfill his passion even within the confines of the White House.

Upon arriving in the capital to assume the presidency, Coolidge initially expressed his discontent with the White House. He famously remarked, “I will not live in a house like this.” However, his installation of an electric horse showcased his determination to adapt to his new surroundings without compromising on his beloved pastime.

President Donald Trump, known for his penchant for opulence, made some immediate changes to the Oval Office upon his inauguration. Among these changes were the installation of gold drapes and the rearrangement of statues. While Trump's actions were not directly related to Coolidge's electric horse, they highlight the various modifications made by presidents to personalize their workspace.

Interestingly, the White House itself once harvested the power of the sun. In 1979, during the Carter administration, 32 solar panels were installed, marking an early effort to explore renewable energy sources. This installation represents the ongoing quest for sustainability and energy efficiency within the White House.

To celebrate President's Day on February 15, it is important to delve into the lesser-known hobbies among American presidents. Some of our presidents have taken their eccentricities to impressive and occasionally greasy heights. Coolidge's electric horse stands out as one of the most unique and unconventional hobbies in presidential history.

In conclusion, President Calvin Coolidge's installation of an electric horse in the White House showcases his innovative approach to maintaining his love for horseback riding while adapting to the constraints of his new role. The inoperable electric horse, now housed in the Coolidge Museum, serves as a reminder of Coolidge's passion and the lesser-known aspects of American presidential history.

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