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Was James Buchanan the First Gay President?

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Exploration of the speculation of James Buchanan being the first gay President.

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The speculation that one-term president James Buchanan may have been America's first gay president has been a matter of debate for centuries. At the start of 1844, Buchanan's presidential aspirations were about to be tested in the United States Presidential Election, and though he ultimately won the election, there were some who seemed fixated on making Buchanan our first gay president?

A rumor in the 1850s had Buchanan involved with Sarah Childress Polk, the widow of President James Polk, but it was never substantiated. Since then, there has been much debate as to whether James Buchanan was the first of many gay presidents in the United States.

Some of the most popular theories about whether there has ever been a gay president surround President James Buchanan, one-term president who served from 1857 to 1861. Though never publicly acknowledged, there is speculation that he may have had a romantic relationship with William Rufus King, who he shared a house with for more than a decade.

Perhaps the most frequently mentioned name in discussions of homosexuality and the presidency is one-term President James Buchanan, who served from 1857 to 1861. Though never publicly acknowledged, there is speculation that he may have had a romantic relationship with William Rufus King, who he shared a house with for more than a decade.

“There's no solid proof that Buchanan was heterosexual, nor is there solid proof that he was homosexual,” Clarke said. “If we ever come up with a smoking gun, it will be impossible to verify it, because it's lost in the past.”

Another popular theory suggests that Buchanan's own political stances may have helped him to hide his homosexuality. In 1992, when the Republican Party platform seemed to target the gay community and a lot of it was blamed on Pat Buchanan and the convention they had, James Buchanan was already long dead.

One of the most concrete pieces of evidence linking Buchanan to the gay community is an interview you did with Republican Senator James Inhofe, who has been an outspoken opponent of the LGBT community. Inhofe told a reporter that he believed that James Buchanan was one of the first gay presidents.

In his book, Capital City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington, author James Kirchick reveals how in the early nineteenth century, Washington was a haven for gay men, where they could congregate and be free of the stigma of their sexuality. He also mentions James Buchanan, who maintained a close relationship with William Rufus King, who was openly gay.

James Buchanan, 1834. A lifelong bachelor, Buchanan cherished his intimate friendship with William Rufus King, from their days living together in Washington, D.C. to the time they spent travelling in Europe. The two are often referred to as “Buchanan and his wife” due to the closeness of their relationship.

The question of whether James Buchanan was America's first gay president will likely remain unanswered as there is no solid evidence to suggest that he was either way. However, it is interesting to speculate about the possibility, and to consider the impact it would have had on American history if he were.

What you ought to know about James Buchanan (for instance, was he our first gay president?) Michael Birkner Apr 15, 2018

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