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Safeguarding American Democracy: Two Ways to Participate Effectively

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Exploring ways for Americans to engage in democracy and protect rights.

description: a diverse group of people holding signs and american flags, peacefully marching in support of democracy.

Amid growing discontent with the state of democracy globally, we asked over 30,000 people what changes would make their democracy work. The responses were varied, but a common theme emerged: the need for active participation from citizens to ensure a healthy democracy. In the United States, there are two major forms of democratic erosion in its governing institutions: election manipulation and executive overreach. To safeguard American democracy, it is important to both protect elections in 2024 and address systemic issues to protect those in the White House.

One way for Americans to participate in their democracy is by exercising their right to vote. Voting is a fundamental aspect of democracy, as it allows citizens to have a say in who represents them and makes decisions on their behalf. By casting a ballot in local, state, and national elections, individuals can help shape the direction of their government and hold elected officials accountable for their actions. It's up to us to make sure everyone has the information and ability to cast their vote! Here are five ways you can empower voters and defend democracy through education, outreach, and advocacy efforts.

Another way for Americans to participate in their democracy is by engaging in grassroots activism and advocacy. This can take many forms, from attending protests and rallies to contacting elected officials and organizing community events. By raising awareness about important issues, mobilizing support for specific causes, and holding leaders accountable, grassroots movements can have a significant impact on public policy and decision-making. Unions raise wages for workers, reduce inequality, increase voter turnout, and advance middle-class interests; policymakers should make sure to listen to the voices of these activists and advocates.

American democracy is at a dangerous inflection point. The moment requires a step-change in strategy and support. The movement to save democracy from threats is too quick to overlook the problems that have been present since the founding. In a country where the search for common ground is increasingly elusive, many Americans can agree on this: They believe the political system needs reform to better serve the needs and interests of the people. EJ Dionne Jr. and Miles Rapoport propose 11 gateway reforms to pave the way for universal civic duty voting, which could help address some of the systemic issues facing American democracy today.

In conclusion, there are multiple ways for Americans to participate in their democracy and protect the rights and freedoms that are essential to a healthy society. By voting in elections, engaging in grassroots activism, and supporting reform efforts, individuals can make a meaningful impact on the future of their country. It is crucial for citizens to stay informed, get involved, and work together to ensure that American democracy remains strong and vibrant for generations to come.

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