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The Exhausting Dance of Congress: Government Shutdown Looms Again

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Lawmakers return to Washington for high-stakes government funding battle.

description: the image shows the capitol hill building in washington, dc, with lawmakers and staff members bustling around, looking tense and focused as they prepare for the upcoming government funding battle. the scene conveys a sense of urgency and determination as congress faces the looming threat of a government shutdown.

The exhausting dance that precedes every single government funding battle has begun. Lawmakers are returning to Washington on Monday for a three-week sprint that will be headlined by the fight over government funding, as this is the first time they are back in session after a lengthy August recess. Congress returns to Washington with three weeks to avoid a government shutdown, no plan in sight and Donald Trump urging Republicans to shut down the government if necessary to secure funding for his border wall.

Congress returned to Washington on Monday with limited time to prevent a government shutdown and November's elections already clouding the atmosphere. Congress is on the brink of a government shutdown. Again. Monday marks the House and the Senate's first day back on Capitol Hill after a long break, and they are facing a tough battle over a stopgap spending bill that includes a controversial proof-of-citizenship voter measure.

Washington — Lawmakers will return to Capitol Hill on Monday after a lengthy August recess to kick off a government funding fight with just three weeks to come up with a plan. Congress is staring down a time crunch to avert a shutdown, with both parties digging in their heels and some Republicans expressing willingness to shut down the government if necessary to push their agenda.

Lawmakers returned to Capitol Hill Monday as a government shutdown deadline looms. Congress has until Oct. 1 to fund the government, but the battle over the spending bill is already shaping up to be intense. The fight over funding for the border wall and the proof-of-citizenship voter measure are expected to be major sticking points.

congressgovernment fundingshutdownwashingtonlawmakersdeadlinebattlespending billvoter measuretime crunchpartiesrepublicanscapitol hill
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