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The Political Battle Over Fracking: A Key Issue in the 2020 Election

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Fracking becomes a divisive political issue in the 2020 election.

description: a group of protesters holding signs both supporting and opposing fracking gather outside a government building, with a diverse crowd of people engaged in a heated debate.

Fracking, short for hydraulic fracturing, is a controversial process used to extract oil and gas from deep underground. The method involves injecting high-pressure water, sand, and chemicals into rock formations to release natural resources. While proponents argue that fracking boosts the economy and provides energy independence, opponents raise concerns about its environmental impacts, including water pollution and earthquakes.

In the United States, fracking has become a hot-button issue in the political arena, with both Democrats and Republicans staking out opposing positions. Both presidential candidates are against fracking bans, which is once again being wielded as a political issue to play to working-class voters in key swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, has faced scrutiny for her changing stance on fracking. In her first major television interview, she defended her decision not to ban fracking if elected. Harris explained that she had shifted away from her more liberal positions in order to appeal to a broader base of voters.

CNN's Daniel Dale analyzed Harris' interview, noting her evolution on fracking and other key issues. Harris' position on fracking has been a point of contention among Democrats, with some criticizing her for not taking a stronger stand against the practice.

During her first formal interview as the Democratic vice presidential nominee, Harris reiterated her stance on fracking, stating that she would not ban the practice if elected. This position aligns with the Biden-Harris campaign's overall energy policy, which seeks to balance environmental concerns with economic interests.

Harris further explained her shifting positions on various issues, including fracking, in an effort to clarify her stance for voters. The controversy surrounding her past support for a fracking ban has put her in the spotlight as Republicans seek to capitalize on the issue in the lead-up to the election.

The political salience of the Biden-Harris energy record, including their stance on fracking, will be put to the test in key swing states like Pennsylvania. Harris' move towards the center on certain issues, including fracking, reflects the campaign's strategy to appeal to a broader range of voters.

This ongoing debate over fracking highlights the complex intersection of energy policy, environmental concerns, and political maneuvering. As the 2020 election approaches, the issue of fracking is likely to remain a point of contention and a key factor in shaping voters' decisions.

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