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The Composition of Congress: Older, Educated, and Mostly Male

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Congress is older, more educated, and predominantly male.

description: a group of older men in suits sitting around a table in a congressional hearing room, with a few women scattered among them. they appear engaged in discussion, with papers and folders spread out in front of them. the room is filled with the buzz of activity as lawmakers debate and negotiate legislation.

Congress is a complex institution, made up of two chambers: the House of Representatives and the Senate. The members of Congress are elected officials who represent the interests of their constituents at the federal level. They are responsible for making laws, overseeing the budget, and representing the American people in matters of national importance.

Congressional leaders rolled out a sprawling $1.2 trillion legislative package to fund swaths of the government into the fall. This funding is crucial for the functioning of various government agencies and programs, from defense to education to healthcare.

Here's the ugly truth: The highest priority for members of Congress is not to legislate. It's to stay in Congress. This often means that lawmakers prioritize their own reelection over the needs of their constituents, leading to gridlock and inaction on important issues.

To appreciate why this is arguably the worst Congress ever, it's important to look at what makes it uniquely horrible. From partisan bickering to corruption scandals, Congress has faced numerous challenges in recent years that have eroded public trust in the institution.

Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted to Congress on Tuesday that guidelines during the pandemic to slow the spread of COVID-19 by keeping six feet of distance were not based on scientific evidence. This revelation raised questions about the government's response to the pandemic and the role of Congress in overseeing public health policy.

Dr. Anthony Fauci sat before Congress and submitted testimony that the research done in Wuhan using money from his agency did not constitute gain-of-function research. This testimony highlighted the importance of congressional oversight in ensuring transparency and accountability in government-funded research projects.

Women make up just over a quarter of all members of the 117th Congress – the highest percentage in U.S. history. While progress has been made in diversifying the composition of Congress, there is still a long way to go in achieving gender parity in elected office.

The maximum value of all self-reported trades by members of Congress in 2023 was about $1 billion. This staggering figure underscores the potential for conflicts of interest and corruption among lawmakers, highlighting the need for stricter ethics regulations and transparency measures.

No single piece of legislation establishes the annual federal budget. Congress makes spending and tax decisions through a variety of legislative measures, including appropriations bills, budget resolutions, and reconciliation processes.

congresslegislative packagereelectiongridlockcorruptionpublic healthoversightdiversityconflicts of interestbudget decisions
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