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Congressional Gridlock: A Year of Divided Government

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The 118th Congress passes few laws amidst internal and external divisions.

recent laws passed by congress

In a year of divided government, when House Republicans were even divided against themselves, Congress was historically unproductive. The 118th Congress is on track to be one of the most unproductive in modern history, with just a couple dozen laws on the books at the close of the session. However, amidst the gridlock, there were a few key pieces of legislation that managed to make it through both chambers and onto the president's desk.

On April 24, 2024, President Biden signed into law H.R. 815, which includes the Protecting Americans' Data from Foreign Adversaries Act. This legislation aims to protect sensitive data from foreign threats and ensure the security of American citizens' personal information. It is a significant step in addressing cybersecurity concerns and safeguarding against foreign interference in domestic affairs.

The American Privacy Rights Act of 2024 aims to establish the first-ever federal standard for comprehensive data privacy and security. This legislation is a response to growing concerns about data breaches and the misuse of personal information by companies and government agencies. It sets out clear guidelines for how data should be collected, stored, and shared, with an emphasis on transparency and accountability.

Both the House and Senate have passed the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, which is expected to be signed by the president. This crucial piece of legislation sets the budget and policies for the Department of Defense for the upcoming fiscal year. It includes provisions for military readiness, modernization, and support for service members and their families.

Much of the news in Congress this year had little to do with actual legislation, but lawmakers did manage to send 27 bills to President Biden's desk for his signature. These bills covered a range of topics, from infrastructure investment to healthcare reform. While the overall productivity of Congress may be low, these bills represent important steps forward on key issues facing the country.

State legislatures have considered at least 450 bills and resolutions in recent years to establish year-round daylight saving time as soon as possible. This issue has gained momentum in response to public opinion and the potential benefits of eliminating the biannual time change. While Congress has yet to take action on this issue, it remains a topic of interest for lawmakers and the public alike.

This tracker provides a listing of global health-related legislation introduced in the current Congress. As the world grapples with ongoing health challenges, lawmakers are working to address issues such as pandemic preparedness, access to healthcare, and medical research funding. These bills aim to improve public health outcomes and ensure a robust healthcare system for all Americans.

Overall, the current state of Congress reflects a broader trend of partisan polarization and legislative gridlock. Despite the challenges of divided government and internal divisions, lawmakers have managed to pass some key pieces of legislation on critical issues. As the 118th Congress comes to a close, the focus will shift to the upcoming election cycle and the potential for change in the political landscape.

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