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The Main Concern of the United States During the Cold War

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The United States' primary focus during the Cold War era.

during the cold war, what was the main concern of the united states

During the Cold War, the main concern of the United States was the ongoing geopolitical rivalry with the Soviet Union. This period, characterized by intense political tension and military rivalry between the two superpowers, shaped US foreign policy and national security strategies for decades. By Mary Kate Aylward, Peter Engelke, Uri Friedman, and Paul Kielstra, explore findings on the complex dynamics of this era.

The fear of a potential nuclear conflict loomed large over the United States during the Cold War. The threat of mutually assured destruction and the arms race between the US and the Soviet Union were major sources of anxiety for American policymakers and citizens alike. What seemed at first to be the start of a Third World War has turned out to be more akin to a Second Yugoslav War: a horrible conflict on the horizon that never materialized.

National security was a top priority for the United States government during the Cold War. The White House and Congress worked together to develop strategies to contain Soviet influence and prevent the spread of communism. A plurality of Americans—and a majority of Republicans—also say that US leaders are not paying enough attention to US-China competition, highlighting the enduring importance of national security concerns.

The United States also focused on strengthening alliances with key allies during the Cold War. Examining Japan's 2022 nuclear debate and its implications for the U.S.-Japan alliance, actionable recommendations were made for extended cooperation. While the 2024 NATO summit in Washington this week is expected to largely focus on Russia's war in Ukraine, the alliance is also set to address broader security challenges.

In addition to traditional alliances, the United States sought to build new partnerships during the Cold War. The effort to establish a growing alliance with India to counter China reflects a strategic shift in US foreign policy. As China launches its Chang'e-6 mission to the far side of the moon, US officials have expressed alarm at the pace of its advancements, underscoring the importance of international cooperation.

As the Cold War unfolded, the United States faced domestic challenges as well. November's presidential election may be nine months away, but Europe is already trying to Trump-proof itself, officials on the continent. A growing number of scholars and policymakers are showing interest in a grand strategy that calls on the United States to retrench from key global commitments, highlighting the complex interplay between domestic and international concerns.

Overall, the main concern of the United States during the Cold War was the preservation of national security and the containment of Soviet influence. This era shaped US foreign policy and alliances, with lasting implications for global politics. Through strategic partnerships and military deterrence, the United States navigated the complexities of the Cold War and emerged as a superpower on the world stage.

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