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The Controversy Surrounding Critical Race Theory in American Politics

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Examining the impact and debate over critical race theory in politics.

what is crt in politics

"South Carolina conservatives have won numerous education policy victories. But one of their biggest priorities failed to pass on the final day of the legislative session."

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed two bills Thursday targeting “indoctrination and global elites.”

Is “critical race theory” a way of understanding how American racism has shaped public policy, or a divisive discourse that pits people of different races against each other?

Fox News has mentioned “critical race theory” 1,300 times in less than four months. Why? Because critical race theory (CRT) has become a new bogeyman for the conservative media.

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — It has become a major issue in the Virginia governor's race. Former President Donald Trump has railed against it.

Last month, Republican lawmakers decried critical race theory, an academic approach that examines how race and racism function in American society.

How a complicated and expansive academic theory developed during the 1980s has become a hot-button political issue 40 years later.

Republicans have disfigured CRT – an academic frame that scholars have been using in graduate-level courses for decades to interrogate how race and racism function in society.

Benjamin Wallace-Wells speaks to the journalist and conservative activist Christopher F. Rufo, who has been a prominent voice in rallying against critical race theory.

The controversy surrounding critical race theory has sparked heated debate in political circles across the country, with both supporters and detractors passionately arguing their positions. Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic framework that examines how race and racism have shaped American society, particularly in terms of public policy and institutional structures.

Despite its academic origins, CRT has become a polarizing issue in politics, with some labeling it as divisive and others embracing it as a necessary tool for understanding and addressing systemic racism. The debate has intensified in recent months, fueled in part by conservative media outlets like Fox News, which have repeatedly highlighted CRT as a threat to American values.

In states like South Carolina and Florida, Republican lawmakers have taken action to ban the teaching of CRT in schools, framing it as a form of indoctrination that promotes division and animosity among students. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, in particular, has been a vocal critic of CRT, signing bills aimed at combating what he refers to as "global elites" pushing harmful ideologies.

Critics of the anti-CRT legislation argue that it is an attempt to whitewash history and ignore the realities of racial inequality in America. They see CRT as a valuable tool for addressing systemic racism and promoting social justice, and view the conservative backlash against it as an attempt to maintain the status quo.

The battle over CRT is likely to continue as the issue gains traction in political campaigns and policy debates. As the 2022 midterm elections approach, candidates on both sides of the aisle are expected to weigh in on the controversy, further fueling the national conversation about race, history, and the future of American society.

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