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Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Address to Congress Raises Tensions

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Netanyahu's speech in Congress sparks controversy amid growing tensions.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress in Washington, seeking to strengthen U.S. support for his country's military efforts. The address comes as the relationship between Israeli leaders and leading US Democrats has become strained. Multiple Democrats deemed it inappropriate for Netanyahu to speak to a joint session, with roughly 40 boycotting the speech in protest of his handling of the conflict.

Vice President Kamala Harris expressed support for President Joe Biden's cease-fire and hostage release proposal during her meeting with Netanyahu. The Israeli Prime Minister, who had previously addressed Congress the day before, also met with President Biden. This visit marks Netanyahu's first to the White House since before Donald Trump left office in 2020, amidst growing pressure on all sides.

Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the Capitol as Netanyahu's speech took place, showcasing the division surrounding his visit. Despite the controversy, Vice President Harris stated that the meeting with Netanyahu was productive and emphasized the importance of finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The international community closely watched Netanyahu's visit to Washington, as tensions in the Middle East continue to escalate. The Israeli Prime Minister's efforts to secure U.S. support for his country's military actions have been met with criticism and debate, both within the U.S. Congress and among global leaders.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains a central focus of Netanyahu's visit, with calls for a cease-fire and diplomatic negotiations intensifying. President Biden's administration has been actively engaged in seeking a peaceful resolution to the conflict, with Vice President Harris reiterating support for diplomatic efforts during her meeting with Netanyahu.

The White House meeting between Netanyahu and top U.S. officials underscores the complex dynamics at play in the region. As the Israeli Prime Minister navigates diplomatic challenges and seeks to garner support for his country's military actions, tensions between Israeli leaders and U.S. Democrats continue to mount.

Today's live coverage has ended. Read what you missed below and follow the latest at apnews.com. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech in Congress has sparked controversy and raised tensions, with protests outside the Capitol and Democrats boycotting the address in protest. The international community closely watches as Netanyahu seeks to bolster support for Israel's military efforts in the region.

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