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Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's Congress Speech Stirs Controversy

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Benjamin Netanyahu addresses U.S. Congress on Israel's fight against Hamas.

description: an anonymous image shows a large crowd of protesters gathered outside the capitol, holding signs and chanting slogans in opposition to the israeli prime minister's visit. police officers in riot gear can be seen attempting to maintain order as tensions rise among the demonstrators.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sought to bolster U.S. support for his country's fight against Hamas in a speech to Congress on Wednesday. The speech, which was met with both applause and criticism, highlighted the ongoing tensions in the Middle East and the need for continued cooperation between the U.S. and Israel.

During his address, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed the importance of unity, stating that the U.S. and Israel "must stand together" as the world is in a state of "upheaval." He emphasized the need for a strong partnership in order to combat threats posed by extremist groups like Hamas.

In a scathing speech to Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged to achieve "total victory" against Hamas and criticized the international community for what he perceives as a lack of support for Israel's efforts to defend itself. He called on the U.S. to stand with Israel in its fight against terrorism, stating that the two countries share a common goal of peace and security.

Netanyahu's speech comes at a time of heightened tensions in the region, with ongoing conflicts in Gaza and Syria. The Israeli Prime Minister's visit to Congress was met with protests from both supporters and detractors, as some lawmakers chose to boycott the speech in protest of Netanyahu's handling of the situation in Gaza.

Despite the controversy surrounding his visit, Netanyahu's speech was seen as an opportunity to shore up support for Israel's war in Gaza. While some lawmakers chose to skip the address, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the Capitol to voice their opposition to the Israeli Prime Minister's policies.

ABC News' Jay O'Brien and Mark Updegrove provided live updates and analysis of Netanyahu's speech to Congress, discussing the implications of his remarks on U.S.-Israel relations and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. The speech was closely watched by observers from around the world, as tensions in the region continue to escalate.

Police were forced to intervene as demonstrators clashed outside the Capitol, with some protesters being pepper-sprayed and handcuffed. The scene outside Congress was chaotic, with emotions running high on both sides of the debate over Israel's actions in Gaza.

Overall, Netanyahu's speech to Congress highlighted the challenges facing the U.S. and Israel in the fight against extremism. The Israeli Prime Minister's call for unity and support from the international community underscored the importance of cooperation in addressing the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.

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