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The Cold War Arms Race: A Dangerous Nuclear Competition

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The United States and the Soviet Union escalate nuclear tensions.

after which cold war event did the united states and the soviet union enter a nuclear arms race?

Tensions between the United States and its unlikely ally in the Soviet Union persisted throughout World War II. Western Allied leaders did not forget the Soviet Union's aggressive expansionism and ideological differences, which set the stage for the Cold War. The fear of communism spreading and the desire to contain Soviet influence led to an intense rivalry between the two superpowers.

It is often said that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded in response to the threat posed by the Soviet Union. The alliance served as a bulwark against Soviet aggression and provided a collective defense mechanism for Western nations. This further heightened tensions and brought the United States and the Soviet Union closer to the brink of nuclear conflict.

In 1961, President John Kennedy called on the nation to send a man to the Moon. In 1969, the United States did just that. This achievement showcased American technological prowess and served as a symbol of superiority over the Soviet Union. However, the space race was just one aspect of the larger competition between the two nations.

The Pokhran tests of 1974 were held amid secrecy. Countries such as the United States were against the idea of more nations acquiring nuclear weapons. The proliferation of nuclear capabilities only added to the already heightened tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.

As World War II dragged to an end in 1945, the leaders of the “Big Three” allied powers—the United States, Soviet Union, and Great Britain—found themselves at odds over the post-war order. The Soviet Union's desire to exert influence over Eastern Europe clashed with Western interests, setting the stage for the Cold War.

In September 2022, nuclear anxieties were once again at the forefront as the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union escalated. The grassroots movement to halt the arms race and end the Cold War gained momentum as people expressed their fears of a nuclear catastrophe.

Russia isn't likely to put nuclear missiles in space, but their reported anti-satellite weapon is just as alarming. An expert on nuclear proliferation warned of the dangers of such developments and called for international cooperation to prevent further escalation of tensions.

“This is not a bluff.” Russian President Vladimir Putin's warning in September 2022 made clear his apparent willingness to use “all weapons” at his disposal. The aggressive rhetoric and actions from both sides only served to heighten fears of a potential nuclear confrontation.

Twenty-eight years ago, on October 24, 1990, the Soviet Union conducted its last nuclear explosive test in a tunnel at the Novaya Zemlya. This marked the end of an era of nuclear testing but did not bring an immediate end to the nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union.

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