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Connecticut Congressman Jim Himes Calls on President Biden to Step Aside

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U.S. Rep. Jim Himes urges President Biden to withdraw from race.

description: a silhouette of a figure standing in front of a microphone, symbolizing a public statement being made by a political figure. the background is a blurred image of a crowded auditorium, suggesting a press conference or public event.

In a bold move that has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, Connecticut Congressman Jim Himes, representing the Fourth Congressional District, has called on President Joe Biden to exit the presidential race. This unprecedented move makes Himes the first member of Connecticut's congressional delegation to publicly urge the President to abandon his reelection bid.

The statement from Himes came shortly after President Biden’s address in Washington, where he outlined his plans for the upcoming election. Himes wasted no time in voicing his concerns and urging Biden to step aside for the good of the party and the country.

Himes is not alone in his call for President Biden to withdraw from the race. Several more senior House Democrats have also expressed their desire for the President to abandon his reelection bid during a private call convened by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. This growing chorus of voices from within the Democratic Party signals a significant shift in the political landscape.

Connecticut Congressman Jim Himes joins a growing list of Democratic lawmakers who are publicly calling on President Biden to step aside. At least 19 congressional Democrats, including 18 in the House and one in the Senate, have either publicly or privately expressed their concerns about Biden's ability to win reelection.

During an interview on 'Face the Nation' that aired on June 30, 2024, Rep. Jim Himes reiterated his belief that President Biden should consider stepping aside. Himes emphasized the importance of putting forward a strong candidate who can unite the party and lead the country in a new direction.

The push for President Biden to exit the presidential race highlights the deep divisions within the Democratic Party and the growing dissatisfaction with his leadership. Himes' call for Biden to step aside reflects a broader sentiment among Democratic lawmakers who are concerned about the party's chances in the upcoming election.

As the first member of Connecticut's congressional delegation to publicly call on President Biden to withdraw from the race, Jim Himes has taken a bold stand that has sparked a national conversation about the future of the Democratic Party. His decision to speak out against the President underscores the growing pressure on Biden to reassess his reelection bid.

In the wake of Congressman Himes' statement, President Biden faces mounting pressure from within his own party to consider stepping aside. The growing number of Democratic lawmakers who are calling for Biden to withdraw from the race raises questions about his ability to secure the party's nomination and win the general election.

The call for President Biden to exit the presidential race marks a significant moment in the 2024 election cycle and underscores the challenges facing the Democratic Party. With the support of key lawmakers like Jim Himes, the push for Biden to step aside is gaining momentum and reshaping the political landscape leading up to the election.

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