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U.S. Congress Session Hours Trend 1981-2018: A Closer Look

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Analyzing the average hours per day in session in Congress.

description: a group of lawmakers conferring in a congressional chamber, discussing legislative matters.

U.S. Congress - average hours per day in session 1981-2018 For some, August can be a time for camping trips, beach days, and other fun summer activities. But for members of Congress, August signals the start of the August recess. This is a period when lawmakers take a break from their legislative duties and head back to their home states to connect with constituents, attend town hall meetings, and recharge for the busy legislative session ahead.

The House and Senate are on winter recess -- as the next government shutdown looms and other pressing issues such as Ukraine, Israel, and national security are at the forefront of discussions. Lawmakers are expected to return from their break around April 10th or 11th, ready to tackle these critical issues.

What Speaker Johnson said last week was that he's looking to send those over when they come back around April 10th or 11th May get that going. This indicates that there is a sense of urgency in addressing important matters as soon as Congress reconvenes.

The House and Senate approved a stopgap funding bill Thursday, extending their next deadline into March. Lawmakers will have a tight timeframe to work on passing crucial legislation, including approving U.S. aid to Israel and Ukraine, when they return from their recess.

WASHINGTON — Lawmakers will reignite a debate over approving U.S. aid to Israel and Ukraine when Congress returns from Thanksgiving recess. This highlights the significance of these issues in the current political landscape.

Speaker Mike Johnson is expected to turn the House's attention to addressing supplemental funding for U.S. allies, including Ukraine, as Congress reconvenes. This underscores the importance of supporting key international relationships in the face of global challenges.

Second Session Of 118th Congress Underway For 2024. The first session of the 118th Congress formally concluded Wednesday, and the second session has now commenced. Lawmakers will be focused on addressing critical issues facing the nation in the coming months.

For those who live and breathe by the congressional calendar, August recess is everything. But its history is more complicated than you'd think. Understanding the historical context of congressional recess periods provides insight into the evolving dynamics of legislative sessions over the years.

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