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Cori Bush Trails Democratic Primary Challenger in Missouri Poll

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Progressive Rep. Cori Bush faces tough competition in Missouri primary.

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A new poll found Cori Bush's opponent in the Democratic primary for Missouri's 1st Congressional District leading her by one point. Far-left Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) trails her Democratic primary challenger in Missouri, according to a new poll which months ago accurately predicted Jamaal Bowman's defeat in New York. Cori Bush of Missouri is the next progressive to be targeted after Jamaal Bowman fell in New York. Israel is dominating her race too. Bush's primary opponent, Wesley Bell, has made major gains and surpassed Bush in a recent poll. After trailing by 16 points in a poll earlier this year, Wesley Bell leads Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) in a survey released by a pro-Israel group.

House Democratic leadership is expected to endorse Bush — but after a noticeable delay. Progressives are encountering stiff competition in races this year. Allies are coming to the rescue. Wesley Bell, challenging Cori Bush in the 1st District, and Lucas Kunce, making his second bid for the Senate against Josh Hawley, are gaining momentum. U.S. Rep. Cori Bush, D-St. Louis trails St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell in a poll conducted of likely primary voters last.

The race between Cori Bush and Wesley Bell has been closely watched as it represents a growing trend of more progressive candidates facing challenges from within their own party. Bell, a former prosecutor, has gained traction with his message of criminal justice reform and accountability. Bush, a vocal advocate for social justice issues, has faced criticism from some constituents for her confrontational style and focus on national issues over local concerns.

The pro-Israel group that released the recent poll showing Bell ahead of Bush has injected a new dynamic into the race. Bush's stance on Israel and foreign policy has been a point of contention, with some critics accusing her of being too critical of the Israeli government. Bell has positioned himself as a more moderate alternative on these issues, appealing to a broader swath of voters in the district.

Despite the poll results, Bush remains confident in her ability to win over voters in the primary. She has a strong base of support among progressive activists and has been endorsed by several national progressive organizations. However, the race is far from over, and both candidates are expected to continue campaigning aggressively in the coming weeks leading up to the primary election.

Overall, the Missouri primary race between Cori Bush and Wesley Bell highlights the ongoing tensions within the Democratic Party between progressive and moderate factions. The outcome of this race will be closely watched as a barometer of the party's direction heading into the midterm elections. Both candidates are vying for the opportunity to represent Missouri's 1st Congressional District and bring their respective visions for change to Washington.

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