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The Rise of Far Right Politics in Europe: A Growing Concern

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Far right parties gaining traction in Europe, impacting EU policy.

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PARIS — It's been a frenetic 24 hours for the French right. The leaders of Les Républicains — the historical party of French conservatism — are considering forming an alliance with the far-right National Front in a bid to counter the rising popularity of Marine Le Pen's party. French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday urged rival parties to join his electoral alliance against Marine Le Pen's far-right National Front, highlighting the growing concern over the influence of far right politics in Europe.

The leader of France's right-wing Republicans party, Eric Ciotti, has sparked an outcry after he backed an alliance with the far-right, breaking a long-standing political norm in French politics. This move has raised alarms among mainstream parties and voters alike, as they fear the normalization of far-right ideologies in the country's political landscape.

JTA — France's mainstream conservative party may join forces with the far right, shattering a decades-long political norm to shun a party that has been associated with xenophobia and nationalism. While the centre-right European People's Party remains the largest bloc, analysts say a shift to the right is likely as far-right parties continue to gain ground in European politics.

Far right parties' vote share did not increase on the scale some expected in the recent European Union elections. However, their ideas and rhetoric on immigration, inflation, and a rejection of the mainstream have resonated with a significant portion of the electorate, signaling a potential shift in EU policy towards a more right-wing stance.

President warns against 'spirit of defeatism' as country prepares for snap vote to clarify far-right surge in support. The just-concluded European Union elections were yet another milestone for far-right parties on the continent. They racked up gains across various countries, further solidifying their presence in European politics and raising concerns about the future direction of the EU.

In conclusion, the rise of far right politics in Europe is a growing concern for mainstream parties and citizens alike. The potential normalization of far-right ideologies and the shifting political landscape towards more right-wing policies could have significant implications for EU policy and the future of the continent. It is essential for leaders to address these developments and work towards promoting unity and inclusivity in order to counter the divisive rhetoric of far-right parties.

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