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A Comparison of Latin American Policies of Presidents Roosevelt and Wilson

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Analyzing the similarities in foreign policies towards Latin America.

how were the latin american policies of president theodore roosevelt and president wilson similar ? both concentrated on the importance of democratic governments. both pushed latin american countries to build more schools. both supported greater business investment in latin america. both used the military to get involved in latin american affairs.

During the early 20th century, Latin America found itself at the center of American foreign policy under the administrations of Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Both leaders shared a common interest in promoting democratic governance and economic development in the region. This article will delve into the similarities between the Latin American policies of Roosevelt and Wilson, exploring how their approaches shaped US-Latin American relations during this pivotal period.

One key similarity between Roosevelt and Wilson's Latin American policies was their emphasis on the importance of democratic governments in the region. Both presidents believed that stable and democratic governments were essential for fostering economic growth and preventing political instability. Roosevelt's corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, which asserted the United States' right to intervene in Latin American countries to prevent European intervention, was rooted in the belief that democratic governance was a prerequisite for peace and prosperity.

Similarly, Wilson's policy of "watchful waiting" sought to support democratic governments in Latin America while also respecting their sovereignty. Wilson believed that promoting democracy in Latin America would lead to greater stability and cooperation between the United States and its southern neighbors. Both presidents saw democratic governance as a means to strengthen US-Latin American relations and prevent the spread of authoritarianism in the region.

Another similarity between Roosevelt and Wilson's Latin American policies was their focus on education as a tool for promoting economic development. Both presidents recognized the importance of education in building a skilled workforce and promoting social mobility. Roosevelt initiated programs to build more schools in Latin American countries, believing that education was key to modernizing their economies and reducing poverty.

Wilson also prioritized education in his Latin American policies, advocating for increased funding for schools and educational programs in the region. Both presidents believed that investing in education would ultimately benefit US business interests by creating a more educated and skilled workforce in Latin America. By promoting education, Roosevelt and Wilson sought to build stronger ties between the United States and Latin America while also fostering economic growth and development in the region.

In addition to promoting democracy and education, both Roosevelt and Wilson supported greater business investment in Latin America. Roosevelt's "Big Stick" diplomacy sought to protect American business interests in the region, while Wilson's policy of "dollar diplomacy" encouraged US businesses to invest in Latin American countries to promote economic development. Both presidents believed that increased business investment would not only benefit the US economy but also help modernize Latin American economies and improve living standards for their citizens.

However, a key difference between Roosevelt and Wilson's Latin American policies was their approach to military intervention in the region. While Roosevelt was more willing to use military force to achieve US foreign policy objectives in Latin America, Wilson preferred to use diplomacy and economic incentives to influence the region. Roosevelt's intervention in countries like Panama and Nicaragua demonstrated his willingness to use military power to protect American interests in the region.

On the other hand, Wilson's policy of "moral diplomacy" emphasized the importance of diplomacy and non-intervention in Latin American affairs. Wilson believed that military intervention undermined US credibility and damaged relations with Latin American countries, preferring to use economic and diplomatic tools to achieve US foreign policy goals in the region. Despite this difference in approach, both presidents sought to assert US influence in Latin America through a combination of military, economic, and diplomatic means.

In conclusion, the Latin American policies of Presidents Roosevelt and Wilson shared many similarities in their emphasis on democratic governance, education, and business investment in the region. Both presidents believed that promoting democracy and economic development in Latin America would benefit US interests while also fostering stability and cooperation in the region. While their approaches to military intervention differed, Roosevelt and Wilson's policies towards Latin America reflected a shared commitment to advancing US influence and promoting prosperity in the region.

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