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President Bush's Decision for Military Action in Kuwait

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Examining President Bush's rationale for military intervention in Kuwait.

why does president bush believe that military action is the best course to restore peace and liberate kuwait? peaceful negotiations and sanctions have failed to produce results. allies of the us and kuwait have become impatient for action. hussein has a powerful army that only the us can compete with. kuwaiti forces have secured and stabilized the region.

In the wake of Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, President George H.W. Bush has made the decision to pursue military action in order to restore peace and liberate the occupied nation. Despite efforts at peaceful negotiations and economic sanctions, it has become clear that these measures have not been successful in persuading Hussein to withdraw his forces from Kuwait. As a result, President Bush believes that military action is the best course of action to achieve the desired outcome.

One of the key reasons behind President Bush's decision for military intervention is the impatience of allies of the United States and Kuwait. Countries that have pledged their support to Kuwait and the US have grown weary of waiting for a resolution to the conflict through diplomatic means. The escalating tensions in the region have only served to heighten the sense of urgency for decisive action.

Additionally, Saddam Hussein's formidable army poses a significant threat to the stability of the region. With a military force that rivals some of the most powerful nations in the world, only the United States has the capability to effectively compete with Hussein's forces. President Bush recognizes the need for a strong and swift response in order to prevent further aggression and ensure the security of Kuwait and its allies.

Furthermore, Kuwaiti forces have demonstrated their ability to secure and stabilize the region, providing a foundation for the US-led military intervention. By working in tandem with Kuwaiti forces, the US military can build upon the progress that has already been made in pushing back against Hussein's forces and regaining control of Kuwait.

President Bush's decision for military action has not been made lightly. In weighing the potential risks and consequences of such a course of action, he has determined that the benefits of liberating Kuwait and restoring peace in the region outweigh the potential drawbacks. With the support of allies and the resolve of the US military, President Bush is confident in the success of the mission.

As the situation in Kuwait continues to deteriorate, the need for decisive action has never been more pressing. President Bush's commitment to restoring peace and liberating Kuwait reflects the values of democracy and freedom that the United States stands for. By taking a stand against aggression and tyranny, President Bush is sending a clear message that the US will not tolerate the violation of international norms and the threat to global security.

In conclusion, President Bush's decision for military action in Kuwait is driven by the failure of peaceful negotiations and sanctions to produce results, the impatience of allies for action, the threat posed by Hussein's powerful army, and the stability secured by Kuwaiti forces. By taking decisive action, President Bush aims to restore peace and liberate Kuwait from the grip of aggression.

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