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Political Turmoil in Wisconsin: Senate Overrides Governor's Vetoes

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Wisconsin Senate Republicans clash with Democratic Governor Tony Evers.

description: a political rally in wisconsin with supporters of both parties waving signs and flags, showcasing the deep division in the state's politics.

May 13, 2024. Eckstein Hall MILWAUKEE — Marquette University Law School and its Lubar Center for Public Policy Research and Civic Education will present a panel discussion on the recent political turmoil in Wisconsin. The Republican-controlled Wisconsin Senate have voted to override nine vetoes of Democratic Gov. Tony Evers in a mostly symbolic move that has sparked intense debate and division throughout the state. Senate Republicans voted to override nine vetoes from Gov. Tony Evers, including funding for PFAS and rural hospitals. Then things erupted.

A new set of Times/Siena polls, including one with The Philadelphia Inquirer, reveal an erosion of support for the president among young and progressive voters in Wisconsin. Swing state. Purple state. 50-50 Battle ground state. It doesn't matter how you describe it — over the next six months, Wisconsin is going to be a hotbed of political activity and contention. The new liberal majority of the Wisconsin Supreme Court is questioning its conservative members' past decision to bar the use of ballot drop boxes, adding to the growing tension in the state.

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsinites could once again be able to return their absentee ballot to a drop box this fall if the state Supreme Court rules in favor of the new liberal majority. The ongoing power struggle between the branches of government in Wisconsin has left many citizens feeling frustrated and disillusioned with the political process. Home to Green Bay and its beloved Packers, Brown County is a good stand-in for the competitive nature of Wisconsin politics overall.

It's time for UpFront in Wisconsin as the state grapples with the aftermath of the Senate's veto overrides and the growing divide between Republicans and Democrats. The future of gun laws, healthcare funding, and environmental regulations hangs in the balance as the two parties continue to clash. The state's reputation as a swing state has never been more evident as the upcoming election season looms large.

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