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The Legacy of John Stuart Mill: Champion of Free Speech

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John Stuart Mill's impact on modern democracy and free speech.

description: an anonymous portrait of a man with a distinguished appearance, likely from the 19th century, standing confidently with a serious expression on his face. the painting captures the essence of intellectualism and philosophical depth.

John Stuart Mill, circa 1870 (left); 'Portrait of John Locke,' a 1697 painting by Sir Godfrey Kneller (Wikimedia Commons/Hulton...

JOHN Stuart Mill was among the foremost liberal thinkers of modern times who wrote extensively on economics and philosophy. His ideas on liberty, individual rights, and the importance of free speech have had a lasting impact on democratic societies around the world. Mill believed in the promotion of human progress through the exchange of ideas and the cultivation of individuality.

If any philosopher is supposed to have been an absolutist about free speech, it is John Stuart Mill. To be sure, he denied that you could say anything in any way that you wanted. But his very idea of free speech was grounded in the principle that all opinions should be heard and considered, even those that are offensive or unpopular. Mill argued that by allowing for the free exchange of ideas, society could progress and evolve towards a greater understanding of the truth.

4 things you probably never knew about John Stuart Mill: Mill believed in mandatory education. Mill himself had a rigorous education, though he suffered greatly under the pressure of his father's expectations. Mill also believed in the importance of individuality and the cultivation of one's unique talents and abilities. He was a vocal advocate for women's rights and the abolition of slavery, demonstrating his commitment to equality and social justice.

Is freedom of speech necessary to promote human progress even when others consider your opinions offensive? What will happen when the norm of free speech is challenged, and certain ideas are deemed unacceptable or dangerous? John Stuart Mill's ideas on free speech continue to be debated and discussed in contemporary society, as we grapple with questions of censorship, political correctness, and the limits of individual expression.

UPDATE (May, 14, 2021): Check out the new video version of this article, embedded above! Key Concept — Mill's Trident: My term for the... In pluralistic societies, there are reasonable differences of opinion about what is right, fair or just. Different conceptions of the good can lead to conflicting views on morality and ethics. John Stuart Mill's philosophy of utilitarianism sought to reconcile these differences by focusing on the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.

His example cures us from the weakness of our age — the belief that we can achieve democracy on the cheap; the belief that all we have to do to... The cult of progress: John Stuart Mill's prison of compulsory eccentricity. A diabolical liberty. Democracy is whatever WE say it is. Converting the natives.

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