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The 117th Congress: A Legislative Landscape Analysis

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Examining the productivity and key issues in the 117th Congress.

117th congress

The 117th Congress, which convened on January 3, 2021, has been a period marked by both challenges and opportunities for lawmakers. As the legislative body responsible for making laws and overseeing the federal government, Congress plays a crucial role in shaping the country's future. Throughout its session, the 117th Congress has grappled with a wide range of issues, from economic recovery and healthcare to national security and social justice.

One significant tool available to Congress is the Congressional Review Act (CRA), which allows lawmakers to void rules put forth by federal agencies. The status of CRA actions can impact a wide range of policy areas, making it a crucial tracker for understanding the legislative landscape. This tool provides Congress with the ability to review and potentially overturn regulations that may not align with their priorities or the needs of their constituents.

In terms of leadership, a third-term lawmaker was unanimously elected to succeed Rep. Jim Clyburn, becoming the highest-ranking Colorado lawmaker in modern history. This change in leadership reflects the dynamic nature of Congress and the shifting priorities of its members. Effective leadership is essential for driving meaningful legislative outcomes and ensuring that the diverse needs of the American people are represented.

Despite the potential for impactful change, the 117th Congress is on track to be one of the least productive in modern history. With only a few dozen laws passed by the close of the session, lawmakers face mounting pressure to deliver results on key issues. One area of focus has been tax legislation, with the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) releasing a "Bluebook" to provide updates on related developments in Congress.

Advocacy groups like CCUSA have called on Congress to prioritize critical issues such as poverty, racial justice, housing, food security, climate change, and disaster support. These pressing concerns highlight the importance of legislative action in addressing the complex challenges facing the country. By working collaboratively with stakeholders and advocates, Congress can enact meaningful change that improves the lives of all Americans.

In the realm of national security, a wave of ransomware attacks against critical industries has underscored the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures. These attacks have revealed vulnerabilities that threaten the stability and security of the country's infrastructure. Congress must prioritize cybersecurity legislation to mitigate these risks and protect against future threats.

On the international stage, the 117th Congress has grappled with complex foreign policy challenges and global issues. From diplomatic relations to trade agreements, lawmakers face a range of decisions that impact the country's standing in the world. By engaging in thoughtful and strategic deliberation, Congress can shape policies that promote peace, security, and prosperity on a global scale.

Overall, the 117th Congress represents a critical juncture in American legislative history. As lawmakers navigate a complex and rapidly changing landscape, they must prioritize collaboration, innovation, and bipartisanship to address the pressing issues facing the nation. By working together to find common ground and enact meaningful reforms, Congress can fulfill its duty to serve the American people and uphold the principles of democracy.

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