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Congress Faces Funding Deadline Amidst Bipartisan Disagreements

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Congressional gridlock over funding threatens government shutdown as deadlines loom.

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The U.S. Congress is navigating yet another government funding deadline — the eighth in less than six months — and are at an impasse over how to allocate funding for various programs and agencies. The threat of a government shutdown looms large as lawmakers struggle to reach a bipartisan agreement on spending priorities.

Expelled former Rep. George Santos returned to Congress to watch Biden's State of the Union address months after being kicked out of the House for misconduct allegations. His presence reignited tensions among lawmakers, highlighting the ongoing challenges of maintaining civility and decorum within the legislative branch.

It comes as an aid bill in Congress stalls and as Ukrainian troops run out of battlefield supplies, underscoring the urgency of addressing critical funding needs in a timely manner. Lawmakers are under immense pressure to act swiftly and decisively to provide support to key allies and address pressing humanitarian concerns.

House Democrats as well as a small group of centrist Republicans are launching separate long-shot efforts to force a vote on tens of billions of dollars in additional COVID-19 relief funding. The push for more aid reflects the ongoing economic challenges facing many Americans and the need for continued government support during the pandemic recovery.

A new congressional bill introduced this month calls for billions of dollars of investments into high-speed rail access across the United States. The proposal aims to modernize transportation infrastructure and improve connectivity between major cities, signaling a commitment to sustainable and efficient transportation solutions.

California cities and counties might be on the hook for more than $300 million they spent placing thousands of homeless residents in hotels as part of pandemic response efforts. The funding shortfall underscores the financial strains facing local governments and the need for federal assistance to address ongoing social issues.

On March 8, Congress cleared a six-bill Fiscal Year 2024 minibus spending package to avert a government shutdown. The bipartisan agreement reflects a rare moment of unity in a deeply divided Congress, as lawmakers set aside their differences to prioritize funding for essential government operations.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Representative Ken Buck will leave Congress at the end of next week, he said on Tuesday, citing personal reasons for his decision to step down. His departure will create a vacancy in the House of Representatives and spark a special election to fill his seat.

The president emphasized the impact of the CHIPS and Science Act and ARPA-H, among other initiatives, during a recent address to Congress. These legislative proposals aim to boost American competitiveness in key technology sectors and advance scientific research and innovation.

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