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The Longest Serving US President: A Look at FDR's Legacy

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Reflecting on FDR's unprecedented four terms in the Oval Office

description: a black and white photograph of a president standing in front of the white house, with a crowd of people gathered around him. the president is wearing a suit and tie, and has a serious expression on his face. the white house can be seen in the background, with american flags flying proudly.

As Americans reflect on Oval Office occupants this Presidents' Day, it's humbling to consider the challenges U.S. Presidents have faced and the impact they have had on the nation. The United States has had some great presidential families including two father-son presidential duos, and we've had a few awful presidents. But one president stands out for his longevity in office and the lasting impact he made on the country - Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Elected four times, FDR is unprecedented in his term length, followed by an 11-way tie for second. Only one president has done so – Franklin Delano Roosevelt – but others considered it, and even tried. Before the 22nd Amendment, presidents could run for more than two terms—but George Washington set a strong precedent that no other previous president dared challenge.

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FDR's time in office spanned some of the most tumultuous periods in U.S. history, including the Great Depression and World War II. His New Deal policies helped to lift the country out of economic despair, and his leadership during the war was instrumental in securing victory for the Allies. But amid political accomplishments was an affair with Alice Roosevelt Longworth, the daughter of former U.S. President Theodore.

In the years since FDR's presidency, there has been much debate about whether a president should be allowed to serve more than two terms. Some argue that term limits are necessary to prevent the consolidation of power, while others believe that voters should have the freedom to choose their leader for as long as they see fit. Regardless of where one stands on the issue, there is no denying the impact that FDR had on the nation during his time in office.

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