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The Ever-Changing Ranking of US Presidents

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Assessing presidential greatness in the context of modern politics.

description: a group of people sitting around a table with stacks of books and papers, engaged in a lively discussion about presidential rankings. they appear to be historians or political experts, deep in thought as they debate the merits of different presidents throughout history.

A new ranking of presidents by a group of self-styled experts determined that Abraham Lincoln is America's greatest president, while Donald Trump ranks near the bottom. This Presidents Day, Trumpism is affecting assessments of Obama, Reagan, and others. Today's politics have also diminished the likes of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson in the eyes of some historians.

With help from Eli Okun, Garrett Ross, and Bethany Irvine, a new survey by the Presidential Greatness Project positions President Joe Biden as the 14th-best president in American history, citing his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recovery efforts as key factors in his ranking. This reflects a shift in how contemporary events shape perceptions of presidential success.

A new poll of experts on the American presidency reveals several intriguing new findings, including a shakeup among the top-ranked presidents. Historians have for decades weighed presidents' virtues and accomplishments in a bid to determine the best and worst of the bunch. By U.S. standards, Franklin D. Roosevelt ranks first, followed by Lincoln and then Washington. Each led as world-altering wars were being fought. Donald Trump's divisive tenure has caused a reevaluation of recent presidents.

Tour our photo gallery featuring 'The West Wing,' 'The American President,' '24,' 'Dave,' 'Dr. Strangelove,' and more to explore the portrayal of presidents in popular culture. It takes a lot of brainpower to run a country—see how the top presidents stack up in terms of their leadership qualities and policy decisions.

In the realm of Congress, presidential rankings can impact legislative agendas and political alliances. As presidents rise and fall in historical assessments, their influence on Capitol Hill can shift accordingly. The White House is also influenced by how presidents are perceived by the public and historians, shaping the presidential legacy and ongoing political discourse.

When it comes to gun laws, the ranking of US presidents can have implications for Second Amendment debates and the regulation of firearms. Presidents who are seen as strong on gun control measures may receive praise from advocates for stricter laws, while those who are viewed as weak on the issue may face criticism.

In the realm of national security, presidential rankings can impact perceptions of a leader's effectiveness in protecting the country from external threats. Presidents who are seen as strong on defense and diplomacy may be ranked higher for their contributions to safeguarding the nation, while those who are viewed as weak in this area may be judged more harshly by historians and experts.

In the international arena, the ranking of US presidents can influence foreign policy decisions and diplomatic relations with other countries. Presidents who are seen as successful in managing global affairs may be praised for their leadership on the world stage, while those who are viewed as ineffective in this area may face scrutiny for their handling of international crises and conflicts.

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