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Old Reddit Politics: A Glimpse into the Past

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A look back at the political discussions on Reddit in the early 2010s.

description: a screenshot of an old reddit thread with several comments discussing a political issue. the thread has a blue and white color scheme and is reminiscent of the old reddit design.

Reddit has become a hub for political discussions in recent years, but it wasn't always this way. In the early 2010s, Reddit was still in its early stages and political discussions were not as prevalent as they are today. However, there were still many interesting conversations taking place on the platform. In this article, we will take a look back at some of the most memorable political discussions on old Reddit.

Congress One of the most interesting threads on old Reddit was about the biography of Congress member George Santos. The 34-year-old son of immigrants had graduated from Baruch College, where he was the captain of the wrestling team. He also served in the Army for eight years, including a tour in Iraq. Users on Reddit were impressed with his background and many hoped that he would be a strong voice for veterans in Congress.

White House Another popular discussion on old Reddit was about the Republican response to a 10-year-old rape victim who had an abortion. The story turned out to be true, and Republicans struggled to respond. Some argued that the victim should have been forced to carry the child to term, while others argued that she should have been allowed to have an abortion. The discussion on Reddit was heated and passionate, with users on both sides of the issue expressing their opinions.

Gun Laws Gun laws have always been a contentious issue in American politics, and this was no different on old Reddit. One user posted a link to an article about a shooting in a Florida nightclub, which left 50 people dead. The discussion that followed was heated, with users debating the merits of gun control and the Second Amendment. Some argued that gun control would have prevented the shooting, while others argued that the problem was not guns, but mental health.

National Security National security was also a hot topic on old Reddit. One user posted a link to an article about the NSA's surveillance program, which had been revealed by Edward Snowden. The discussion that followed was passionate, with users arguing about the balance between privacy and security. Some argued that the program was necessary to prevent terrorist attacks, while others argued that it was a violation of civil liberties.

International Finally, old Reddit was also a place for discussions about international politics. One user posted a link to an article about the conflict in Syria, which had been raging for several years. The discussion that followed was heated and passionate, with users debating the merits of intervention and the role of the United States in the conflict. Some argued that the U.S. should stay out of the conflict, while others argued that intervention was necessary to prevent a humanitarian crisis.

In conclusion, old Reddit was a fascinating place for political discussions in the early 2010s. Users debated a wide range of issues, from gun control to national security to international politics. Although the platform has changed significantly since then, it is interesting to look back at these discussions and see how they have shaped our current political landscape. If you are interested in exploring old Reddit, there are several archive sites that allow you to view old threads and discussions.

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