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Politics is for Power: Moving Past Broken Politics in America

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Exploring the impact of political hobbyism and the need for active engagement.

description: an anonymous image depicting a diverse crowd of people engaged in a political discussion, with various flags and banners representing different ideologies.category: 'congress'

Politics is a realm where power is the driving force behind every move. While some may engage in leisurely reading about politics for online debates and armchair discussions, others understand that politics is not merely a tool for consumption, but a means to exercise power and influence.

Political hobbyism, as defined by Eitan Hersh, is the act of spending excessive time consuming news or participating in passive political activities, such as signing online petitions. Unfortunately, this form of engagement often falls short of creating real change and fails to recognize the true purpose of politics.

The Supreme Court, as a part of the political landscape, plays a significant role in shaping federal power. However, it is important to note that Supreme Court Justices have no incentive to limit federal power, as their power is inherently tied to it. This highlights the crucial link between politics and power.

Dr. Eitan Hersh, during a lecture at SUNY New Paltz, emphasized the need to move past broken politics in America. His insights shed light on the detrimental effects of political hobbyism and the urgency to actively engage in politics for the purpose of wielding power.

According to a study, approximately one-third of Americans spend two or more hours a day on politics. However, most of this engagement revolves around consumption rather than active participation. This disconnect between consumption and wielding power hinders progress in the political sphere.

Looking beyond America, we find examples like Sudan, where foreign actors played a significant role in derailing the country's transition to democracy. This showcases the manipulation of power in politics, emphasizing the need for citizens to actively engage and reclaim their agency.

Sketchy politics, as observed in the UK, raise questions about whether all the pieces are in place for effective leadership. Political commentators analyze the dynamics of power within the UK political landscape, highlighting the importance of understanding and utilizing power in politics.

The misfortune of failing to recognize signs of a coup can have severe consequences. Uddhav and Sharad Pawar, political figures in India, faced similar situations. This highlights the potential dangers when power is not effectively recognized and wielded.

Eitan Hersh, an associate professor of political science at Tufts University, discusses the concepts outlined in his new book. Focused on bridging the gap between political hobbyism and active engagement, his work emphasizes the need to reclaim politics as a tool for power.

In conclusion, politics is not meant to be a passive activity of consumption. It is a realm of power, where active engagement is crucial for effecting change. By moving past political hobbyism and recognizing the true purpose of politics, citizens can reclaim their agency and shape a better future.

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