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The Power and Authority Behind the Presidential Seal

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Exploring the significance and evolution of the presidential seal symbol.

description: an official document with a formal-looking seal featuring intricate symbols and text representing the authority of the president of the united states.

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- The presidential seal is a symbol of power and executive authority. It's why this distinguished mark is displayed on the lectern whenever the President addresses the nation, and it's why it adorns official documents and government buildings. The seal itself is a complex emblem that represents the office of the President of the United States and the responsibilities that come with it.

When an NSA employee approached National Cryptologic Museum (NCM) Director Vince Houghton asking if he wanted “the Obama phones,” he didn't realize he was referring to the presidential seal. The seal is not just a decorative emblem; it holds historical and constitutional significance. It is a visual representation of the President's role as the head of the executive branch of government and the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

In honor of President's Day and to learn more about how the role of the U.S. president has evolved, we turned to USF St. Petersburg campus for a historical perspective on the presidential seal. From its origins to its modern-day usage, the seal has undergone changes reflecting the changing nature of the presidency and the country as a whole.

Only five days after Donald J. Trump left office, one of his aides emailed a lawyer to request approval of a formal-looking seal for use on official documents. This seal was to be used for Trump's post-presidential activities and correspondence, highlighting the continued importance and relevance of the presidential seal even after a president leaves office.

Former President Donald Trump is in Washington, DC, for a US Circuit Court of Appeals hearing after a lower-court ruling rejected his claims of immunity from criminal prosecution. The debate over presidential immunity and the limits of executive authority has been a contentious issue throughout American history, with the presidential seal serving as a visual reminder of these debates.

Appeal court judges have sharply questioned Donald Trump's argument that former presidents should be entitled to immunity from criminal prosecution. The judicial scrutiny surrounding presidential authority and accountability underscores the importance of symbols like the presidential seal in representing the office of the President and the limits of executive power.

Murder, peddling pardons, selling secrets: Trump's lawyer said all presidents are immune from prosecution unless the Senate first convicts. This assertion of presidential immunity raises complex legal and ethical questions about the balance of power between the executive branch and the other branches of government, with the presidential seal acting as a visual representation of these tensions.

Democratic Senator Brian Schatz has claimed 'American democracy is at stake' in the upcoming presidential election after Donald Trump's presidency. The presidential seal serves as a reminder of the democratic principles and values that underpin the U.S. political system, symbolizing the continuity and stability of the presidency amidst political transitions.

Former President Trump's legal team suggested Tuesday that even a president directing SEAL Team Six to kill a political opponent would be an acceptable exercise of executive authority. The reference to SEAL Team Six, a highly trained special operations unit, underscores the power and responsibilities that come with the presidency, as symbolized by the presidential seal.

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