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National Security

Rasmussen Reports: America's Safety and Political Preferences Revealed

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National survey results on political candidates, immigration, and homeowner confidence.

description: an anonymous image of a diverse group of voters participating in a survey, with charts and graphs displayed on a screen in the background. the voters appear engaged and thoughtful, reflecting the diverse perspectives captured in the rasmussen reports survey.

Less than six months before Election Day, Republicans have a five-point lead in their battle to maintain their narrow House majority, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports. As America prepares for the holiday honoring those who died while serving in the U.S. military, veterans have a higher opinion of Memorial Day. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 41% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the United States is likely to ensure America's safety under a specific presidential candidate.

On the question of which presidential candidate would do more to ensure America's safety, voters have a clear preference for former President Donald Trump. Despite high-interest rates, homeowners are now more confident in the resale value of their homes than they've been in nearly five years. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, in a three-way contest between Biden, Trump, and Robert F. Kennedy, the majority of voters lean towards a particular candidate for national security.

As the so-called “hush money” trial of former President Donald Trump nears its conclusion, most voters expect the defendant to be found guilty. Given a choice between granting amnesty to illegal immigrants and deporting all of them, American voters favor deportation by a significant margin. President Joe Biden continues to trail former President Donald Trump in their election rematch, regardless of which third-party candidates are included in the mix.

The Rasmussen Reports survey delves into various aspects of American political sentiment, including perceptions of national security, immigration policies, and confidence in political leaders. The latest findings shed light on the prevailing attitudes among voters, highlighting key areas of concern and preference. The survey provides a comprehensive snapshot of public opinion on critical issues facing the nation.

In addition to political preferences, the Rasmussen Reports survey also explores economic indicators such as homeowner confidence and resale values. The results offer valuable insights into consumer sentiment and market trends, reflecting the broader economic landscape. The survey reveals evolving perceptions of financial stability and investment opportunities among homeowners.

Overall, the Rasmussen Reports survey serves as a barometer of public opinion on a range of pressing issues, from political leadership to economic outlook. The findings provide a nuanced understanding of voter attitudes and preferences, shaping the national discourse on key policy matters. With the upcoming elections and ongoing debates on immigration and national security, the survey results offer timely and relevant insights for policymakers and the public alike.

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