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The Hunt for Osama Bin Laden: A Decade of Pursuit

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The story of Osama Bin Laden's fate during the US invasion.

description: a group of heavily armed soldiers patrolling the streets of kabul, afghanistan, amidst a backdrop of destroyed buildings and debris.

The United States completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan late Monday, ending America's longest war and closing a chapter in military history. However, one of the most significant events during the US-led invasion of Afghanistan was the death of Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. The search for Bin Laden spanned over a decade and involved intense military operations, intelligence gathering, and covert missions.

Abstract: After the historic events leading to the Taliban's capture of Afghan territory and return to government in the summer of 2021, the focus shifted to the elimination of high-value targets, including Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, was a top priority for the US military and intelligence agencies.

For more on the Taliban see Timeline: The Taliban. The Taliban ('Students of Islamic Knowledge Movement') ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until the US invasion in 2001. The group provided safe haven to Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden, leading to the US-led invasion to remove them from power.

The footage purports to show Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar returning to cheering crowds in Afghanistan following 20 years of exile amid the chaos of the US withdrawal. While Bin Laden's fate was sealed during the invasion, the Taliban's resurgence and return to power have raised concerns about the future stability of Afghanistan.

Mohammed Sharif Sharaf saw the group of Ukrainian special forces soldiers jogging toward him, coming out of Kabul's walled airport. The chaos and violence that erupted during the US withdrawal created a dangerous environment for both Afghan civilians and foreign troops.

By Jeffery Donovan Despite continued violence in southern Afghanistan, there are signs that an appeal by the government to reach out to local communities and former Taliban fighters may lead to a reduction in hostilities. The hunt for Bin Laden was not only a military operation but also a strategic effort to disrupt and dismantle Al-Qaeda's network in the region.

Taliban fighters stormed the Presidential Palace on Sunday and demanded a 'peaceful transfer of power' as Kabul descended into chaos. The US invasion of Afghanistan aimed to remove the Taliban from power and dismantle Al-Qaeda's infrastructure, which ultimately led to the death of Osama Bin Laden.

The passengers touched down in Oxfordshire as troops try to repatriate at least 6000 British personnel and translators from the Middle East. The aftermath of the US invasion of Afghanistan saw a massive humanitarian effort to evacuate foreign nationals and Afghan allies who were at risk of retaliation from the Taliban.

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