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The Principles of Conservatism in Politics

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Exploring the foundations and tactics of conservative political ideology.

description: an anonymous image showing a group of conservative activists holding signs and flags at a political rally, with a banner in the background reading "defend tradition and values.

Conservatism in politics is a complex and multifaceted ideology that has evolved over centuries. While there is no single definition of conservatism, it can generally be described as a political philosophy that values tradition, order, and stability. Conservatives venerate hierarchy and order, and define themselves against the movements they oppose. They often advocate for limited government intervention in the economy, a strong national defense, and traditional values.

I take an important element of conservatism to be the view that knowledge about good lives, good communities, and good societies is not mainly derived from abstract principles or universal truths, but rather from tradition, custom, and experience. Conservatives believe that these sources of knowledge provide a valuable guide for shaping public policy and individual behavior.

Instead of considering contemporary political issues, or politicians, Roger Scruton attempts in 'Conservatism: An Introduction to the Great Tradition' to dig deeper into the philosophical underpinnings of conservatism. He explores the roots of conservative thought in the writings of Edmund Burke, Michael Oakeshott, and other thinkers who have shaped the conservative intellectual tradition.

Conservatives are using 'woke,' a term coined by Black Americans, against progressive ideals of social justice during this midterm election. By painting progressives as out-of-touch elites who are more concerned with political correctness than the needs of ordinary Americans, conservatives hope to win over voters who may be wary of social change.

How conservatives use 'verbal jiu-jitsu' to turn liberals' language against them. The two frontrunners for the White House in 2024 are honing their messaging strategies to appeal to conservative voters who feel alienated by the left's embrace of identity politics and political correctness.

WASHINGTON (AP) — With more than a year to go before the 2024 election, a constellation of conservative organizations is preparing for a potential showdown with progressive forces. From think tanks to grassroots advocacy groups, conservatives are mobilizing to defend their values and principles in the face of mounting challenges.

The former vice president didn't pull any punches in a headlining event at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics where he argued that conservative values are under attack from radical leftists who seek to dismantle the foundations of American society. He urged his audience to stand firm in defense of traditional values and beliefs.

'Calendargate' is raising the question of what — and whom — the right-wing war on 'wokeness' is really for. Critics of the conservative movement argue that the focus on cultural issues is a distraction from more pressing challenges facing the country, such as income inequality and climate change.

I asked him what he made of the new theory sweeping the right, which held that radical leftists had conducted a “long march through the institutions” to undermine traditional values and institutions. He responded that while there may be some truth to these concerns, conservatives must focus on building a positive vision for the future rather than simply reacting to perceived threats.

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