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The Impact of the Roosevelt Corollary on US Global Role

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Analyzing the Roosevelt Corollary's effect on US international influence.

description: a silhouette of a globe with a shadow of a large stick hovering over latin america.

In yet another curious twist in its long history, the Monroe Doctrine, which turned 200 on Saturday, is making an unexpected political comeback through the Roosevelt Corollary. This addition to the Monroe Doctrine, introduced by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904, significantly impacted the role of the United States in the world stage.

Roosevelt wanted the U.S. to wield 'a big stick' in global affairs, the way European empires did. With the assassination of President William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, not quite 43, became the 26th and youngest President in the Nation's history. His presidency marked a shift towards a more assertive foreign policy stance, as evidenced by the Roosevelt Corollary.

The Roosevelt Corollary expanded upon the Monroe Doctrine's principle of preventing European interference in the Western Hemisphere. It asserted the United States' right to intervene in Latin American countries to maintain stability and protect American interests. This new addition essentially granted the US a mandate to exercise influence and control in its neighboring regions.

Key Points. Chinese influence in Latin America is growing. This poses a threat to vital US security interests in an underappreciated region. Recently, US President Joe Biden gave a press conference where he was asked about the US' approach to Latin America. The Trump administration is committing national security malpractice in Latin America by resurrecting a policy that has outlived its purpose.

The Roosevelt Corollary shifted the United States towards a more imperialist stance, where the country sought to exert its power and influence beyond its borders. This policy was particularly evident in US interventions in countries like Cuba, Panama, and the Dominican Republic, where the US military played a significant role in shaping political outcomes.

Putin seems to be embracing Kennedy's flawed lesson that global powers can determine the security alliances of smaller neighbors if they act tough enough. His conviction that white men of European descent were innately superior informed his actions on matters from national parks to foreign policy. The Roosevelt Corollary, outlined in Theodore Roosevelt's 1904 and 1905 State of the Union addresses, proclaimed a new imperialist doctrine for American.

Overall, the Roosevelt Corollary had a lasting impact on the role of the United States in the world. It set the stage for future interventions and power projections by the US in Latin America and beyond. The doctrine's legacy continues to shape US foreign policy to this day, highlighting the complex and often controversial nature of America's global influence.

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