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International Accountability Urgently Needed Amid Intensifying Post-Election Repression in Venezuela

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Amnesty International calls for action in Venezuela amid escalating repression.

description: an anonymous image showing a group of protesters holding signs and banners, calling for justice and human rights in a city square. the scene is filled with people of all ages and backgrounds, united in their demand for accountability and respect for basic rights.

In recent months, Venezuela has been facing a severe crackdown on dissent following the controversial presidential elections. Political opponents, human rights activists, and journalists have been targeted by security forces, leading to a grave human rights crisis in the country. As the situation continues to deteriorate, international accountability is urgently needed to address the escalating repression.

The President Javier Milei vetoed on 2 September a bill that had been passed by Congress to improve pensions for the older people given the current economic crisis. This move sparked widespread protests across the country, with citizens demanding better living conditions and respect for their rights. However, instead of addressing these legitimate grievances, the government has responded with violence and repression.

Amnesty International has documented numerous cases of arbitrary arrests, torture, and extrajudicial killings carried out by Venezuelan security forces. The lack of accountability for these human rights violations has only emboldened the perpetrators, leading to a climate of fear and intimidation among the population. It is crucial that the international community takes immediate action to hold those responsible accountable and prevent further abuses.

The Israeli military's campaign to expand a “buffer zone” along the eastern perimeter of Gaza should be investigated as the war crimes of displacement and unlawful killings. The indiscriminate use of force against Palestinian civilians, including children, is a clear violation of international humanitarian law. Amnesty International condemns these actions and calls for a thorough and independent investigation to ensure accountability for the victims and justice for their families.

Every child deserves the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive through education. Yet, without additional measures, it is estimated by the year 2030, over 200 million children worldwide will still be out of school. This alarming trend not only deprives children of their fundamental right to education but also perpetuates cycles of poverty and inequality. Amnesty International calls on governments to prioritize education and invest in accessible and quality learning for all children.

Human rights defender Sharifeh Mohammadi is at risk of execution after a Revolutionary Court in Rasht, Gilan province, sentenced her to death on spurious charges. Her only crime is advocating for women's rights and speaking out against gender-based violence in Iran. Amnesty International urges the Iranian authorities to immediately overturn her death sentence and release her unconditionally, as she is a prisoner of conscience who should never have been detained in the first place.

The law creates a chilling effect in capital Islamabad and sets a dangerous precedent that could be replicated by provincial governments. This crackdown on freedom of expression and assembly is a clear violation of international human rights standards. Amnesty International calls on the Pakistani government to repeal this draconian law and uphold its obligations to respect and protect the rights of all its citizens.

Algerian authorities have maintained their repression of civic space by continuing their brutal crackdown on human rights, including the arbitrary arrest and detention of peaceful protesters and journalists. The widespread use of excessive force and intimidation tactics against dissenting voices is unacceptable and must be stopped immediately. Amnesty International calls for an end to the repression and for the release of all those detained for exercising their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

23 years after these horrific attacks, the survivors and victims' families have yet to see any justice or accountability for this crime. The lack of progress in the investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the attacks is deeply concerning. Amnesty International calls on the authorities to address the impunity surrounding these crimes and ensure that the victims and their families receive the justice they deserve.

Saudi Arabia's authorities must immediately release all those arbitrarily detained solely for expressing their views online ahead of the upcoming elections. The crackdown on dissent and peaceful activism in the country is a blatant violation of fundamental freedoms and human rights. Amnesty International urges the Saudi government to respect the rights of all individuals to freedom of expression and assembly, and to release all those detained for exercising these rights.

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