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The Party for Socialism and Liberation: A Marxist-Leninist Movement

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PSL's revolutionary socialist agenda and political campaigns in the US.

description: a group of psl members gathered at a coffee shop, discussing political strategies over drinks.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is a Marxist-Leninist political party in the United States. It was founded in 2004 as a platform for revolutionary socialist movements and has since gained traction in various political spheres. PSL advocates for workers' rights, social justice, and the end of capitalist exploitation.

Claudia de la Cruz of the Party for Socialism and Liberation plans to seize control of the top 100 US corporations and disband the CIA – but faces challenges in implementing such radical changes. Her vision for a socialist society is met with skepticism and criticism from mainstream political circles.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation has published an article on the student encampments which features a distinct lack of strategy around organizing and mobilizing support for their causes. Despite their passionate activism, PSL's approach to political campaigns lacks a cohesive plan for achieving their goals.

PSL statement: Free Palestine, free all Palestinian political prisoners, end all U.S. aid to the Israeli apartheid regime! The unrelenting advocacy for Palestinian rights is a core tenet of PSL's international solidarity efforts. The party stands against imperialism and colonialism in all its forms.

She and running mate candidate Karina Garcia launched their Detroit campaign Sunday with the Party for Socialism and Liberation. PSL's presence in local elections signals a shift towards grassroots organizing and community engagement in politics.

From PSL to politics: Sbu Mpisane on his political party, Gap fixers of SA. Sbu Mpisane's transition from sports management to political activism showcases the diverse backgrounds of PSL members. The party attracts individuals from various sectors who share a common goal of social change.

By Krzysztof Mularczyk. The Third Way (Trzecia Droga), an alliance of the centre-right Polish People's Party (PSL) and centrist Poland 2050. PSL's international partnerships with other political parties demonstrate a commitment to global solidarity and collaboration in advancing socialist agendas.

Photo: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa at the summit venue alongside the flags of the BRICS countries. Credit: Presidency of South. PSL's engagement with international organizations and events reflects their efforts to build alliances and promote socialist principles on a global scale.

Around a small outdoor dining table at the Starbucks near Green Lake, there sat three PSLs: One was a pumpkin spice latte ordered by a Real. The casual setting of PSL members meeting for coffee underscores the party's emphasis on community building and grassroots activism in everyday spaces.

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