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President Reagan's Address: Small Businesses and the Technological Revolution

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Reagan's speech highlights the role of small businesses in innovation.

description: an anonymous image of a group of young entrepreneurs working in a garage, surrounded by computer equipment and prototypes. they are focused and determined, showcasing the spirit of innovation and creativity that drives small businesses forward.

In his address at Moscow State University, President Reagan emphasized the importance of small businesses in driving the technological revolution. He pointed to the example of a personal computer firm started by two college students in their garage, highlighting the entrepreneurial spirit and vision that fuel innovation in the modern era.

Reagan's belief that small businesses are at the forefront of the technological revolution is evident in his assertion that entrepreneurs are the explorers of the modern era. He praised their courage to take risks and their faith to venture into the unknown, likening them to athletes in competition or scholars in pursuit of truth.

The President also addressed criticisms of the free market, acknowledging that some see only waste in the riot of experiment that is capitalism. However, he questioned what would become of the entrepreneurs who fail, emphasizing the importance of supporting and nurturing small businesses as they drive innovation and progress.

Reagan's speech resonates with the idea that experience is the greatest teacher, and that small businesses play a crucial role in shaping the future through their vision and willingness to take risks. He highlighted the need to recognize and support the contributions of entrepreneurs in driving the technological revolution.

small businessestechnological revolutionentrepreneursinnovationfree marketvisionrisk-takingprogresssupportcapitalism
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