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The Dangers of Abandoning Liberal Internationalism for Great Power Competition

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An essay exposing the flaws in shifting US strategy towards competition with China.

description: an anonymous image shows a group of world leaders engaged in a heated discussion at a summit meeting. the tension in the room is palpable as different perspectives clash over the future direction of global politics.

In his thought-provoking reading, Ikenberry argues that the United States should resist the temptation to abandon liberal internationalism in favor of engaging in great power competition with China. Instead of embracing great-power competition, the United States should double down on the project of the liberal international order. This approach has been a cornerstone of US foreign policy for decades, promoting peace, prosperity, and cooperation among nations.

The recent rise of the 'Quincy coalition' and calls for restraint have sparked a debate within US foreign policy circles. An essay aimed at taking down the 'Quincy coalition' and restraint has revealed the true face of western elites and global hegemony. It is crucial to examine the motivations behind this shift and consider the potential consequences of abandoning the principles of liberal internationalism.

Newly declassified U.S. government records shed some light onto U.S. strategic thinking about the post-Cold War era and the infamous Defense Policy Guidance of 1992. These documents highlight the importance of maintaining a rules-based international order and the risks of succumbing to great power competition. The United States must learn from past mistakes and continue to uphold the values of democracy, human rights, and international cooperation.

As Joe Biden prepares to take office as America's 46th president, there is a sense of optimism for the future. However, he must navigate the complex geopolitical landscape and resist the pressure to adopt a confrontational stance towards China. The United States can lead by example and promote a vision of global cooperation that benefits all nations.

On March 24, 2021, a high-profile article proclaiming “There Will Not Be a New Cold War” appeared in Foreign Affairs. This piece challenges the prevailing narrative of great power competition and advocates for a more nuanced approach to US foreign policy. The United States must engage with China and other major powers in a constructive manner, rather than resorting to zero-sum competition.

Every so often in the history of the United States, there are moments of political realignment—times when the consensus that defined an era is challenged and new ideas emerge. The current debate over US grand strategy represents one of these pivotal moments. It is essential for policymakers to carefully consider the implications of their decisions and prioritize the long-term interests of the nation.

Autocracies such as China and Russia do not represent a sustainable alternative to liberal democracy. In fact, the pull of liberal democracy remains strong, as evidenced by the global demand for freedom and human rights. The United States must uphold its values and work towards building a more inclusive and equitable international order.

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