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The Acquisition of the United States' First Territory Beyond the Contiguous States

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Exploring the historical significance of the United States' territorial expansion.

description: an anonymous map showing the expansion of the united states beyond its 48 contiguous states, highlighting the first territory acquired beyond the borders. the map illustrates the nation's territorial growth and the strategic significance of its overseas holdings.

In 'How to Hide an Empire,' Daniel Immerwahr explores America far beyond the borders of the Lower 48. The United States has a complex history of territorial expansion, starting with the acquisition of the first territory beyond its 48 contiguous states. This expansion marked a significant milestone in the nation's development and set the stage for future territorial acquisitions.

Since the 1980s, the United States has invested considerable resources to develop and field ballistic missile defenses to protect the U.S. and its territories. This emphasis on national security highlights the importance of protecting not only the mainland but also outlying territories acquired over the years.

The long read: The United States likes to think of itself as a republic, but it holds territories all over the world – the map you always see doesn't tell the whole story. The acquisition of territories beyond the borders of the contiguous states challenges the traditional narrative of American exceptionalism and forces us to confront the complexities of empire-building.

Each of the 50 states that comprise the United States of America has its own shape. How their shapes were determined provides insight into the history of territorial expansion and the various methods used to acquire land beyond the initial 13 colonies. The acquisition of the first territory beyond the contiguous states was a pivotal moment in shaping the nation's geography.

Given the rounded shape of our planet, projecting its surface onto flat maps can introduce errors, often making maps deceptive. This distortion can obscure the true extent of the United States' territorial holdings and the impact of its expansion beyond the Lower 48 states. Understanding the history of territorial acquisitions is essential for gaining a comprehensive view of the nation's development.

The acquisition of the first territory beyond the contiguous states was a diplomatic and strategic move that expanded the United States' influence in the region. This acquisition set a precedent for future territorial expansions and established a framework for the nation's overseas holdings.

The United States of America is an immense federal republic spanning from the southern half of Northern America to Alaska and Hawaii in the Pacific. The acquisition of territories beyond the contiguous states added a new dimension to the nation's identity and transformed it into a global power with interests extending far beyond its original borders.

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