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The Best Approach to Implementing Foreign Policy: Multilaterally with Hard Power

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Analyzing the effectiveness of multilateral foreign policy with hard power.

description: a group of diplomats from various countries engaging in a discussion at a roundtable, symbolizing multilateral diplomacy and collaboration in foreign policy decision-making.

In the realm of international relations, the debate over the best approach for a country to implement foreign policy continues to be a contentious issue. Some argue that unilateral action with military power is the most effective way to assert dominance on the global stage. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that a multilateral approach, coupled with hard power, may yield more sustainable and successful outcomes in the long run.

The Abraham accords signed in 2020 between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain serve as a prime example of successful multilateral diplomacy. By fostering diplomatic relations between these countries, the accords have not only promoted peace and stability in the region but have also opened up avenues for economic cooperation and development. This demonstrates the power of collaboration and consensus-building in achieving foreign policy objectives.

Multilateralism allows countries to leverage the collective strength of multiple nations to address complex global challenges. By working together with like-minded allies, countries can pool resources, share intelligence, and coordinate military efforts more effectively. This collaborative approach enhances the legitimacy of foreign policy actions and fosters greater international support for shared objectives.

Moreover, multilateralism promotes a rules-based international order, where countries abide by agreed-upon norms and principles. This creates a more predictable and stable environment for conducting foreign relations, reducing the likelihood of conflict and promoting peaceful resolution of disputes. By upholding international law and respecting the sovereignty of other nations, countries can build trust and credibility on the global stage.

Hard power, in conjunction with multilateralism, can provide countries with the necessary leverage to back up their diplomatic efforts. Military strength and strategic capabilities serve as a deterrent to aggression and coercion, signaling a country's readiness to defend its interests and uphold its commitments. This combination of soft and hard power assets enhances a country's credibility and influence in the international arena.

In the face of growing global challenges, such as terrorism, climate change, and pandemics, a multilateral approach with hard power becomes increasingly essential. These threats transcend national borders and require coordinated action by the international community to effectively address them. By working together through multilateral institutions and partnerships, countries can pool resources and expertise to tackle these shared challenges more effectively.

The European Union's response to the US-China strategic competition underscores the importance of developing a new strategic technology doctrine and upgrading export control policies. By aligning their policies and regulations, EU member states can collectively strengthen their technological capabilities and safeguard their national security interests. This coordinated approach enhances the EU's resilience and competitiveness in the global tech race.

In conclusion, the best way for a country to implement foreign policy is through a multilateral approach with hard power. By engaging with other nations through diplomatic channels, respecting international norms, and leveraging military strength when necessary, countries can achieve their foreign policy objectives more effectively and sustainably. In an increasingly interconnected world, collaboration and cooperation are key to addressing complex global challenges and promoting peace and prosperity for all.

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