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The Rise of Right-Wing Politics in Today's Global Landscape

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Exploring the increasing influence of conservative ideologies in global politics.

description: an anonymous image shows a group of conservative politicians gathered around a conference table, engaged in a heated discussion. the room is adorned with flags and symbols associated with right-wing ideologies, highlighting the unity and collaboration among conservative figures in shaping political agendas.

As the presidential election draws nearer, the spread of bogus information online is getting a huge boost from social media accounts that aim to manipulate public opinion in favor of right-wing politicians. This phenomenon highlights the power of digital platforms in shaping political discourse and influencing voter behavior.

A new book shows how conservative grift started long before branded bibles and $400 sneakers, shedding light on the long-standing tactics used by right-wing figures to garner support and push their agenda. The manipulation of religious symbols and consumer culture has played a significant role in the rise of conservative movements around the world.

Bannon vowed to build his populist school in an Italian monastery after a Roman court cleared his associate Ben Harnwell of criminal charges, signaling the global reach of right-wing ideologies. This move further solidifies the connection between conservative figures and their efforts to establish educational institutions that promote their political beliefs.

For most of its early history, Israel was dominated by left-leaning, secular politicians. But today, the right is in power, signaling a shift in the country's political landscape. The rise of conservative leaders in Israel reflects a broader trend of right-wing dominance in global politics.

When Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft jumped into the state's gubernatorial race last year, the Republican vowed to tackle a slew of conservative issues. This move is indicative of the growing influence of right-wing politics at the state level, as more conservative candidates seek to implement their agenda on a local scale.

Super Tuesday dealt another blow to the already shrinking bloc of House Republicans who prefer governance over political performance art, highlighting the internal divisions within the conservative movement. The struggle between moderate and extremist factions within the GOP underscores the challenges facing right-wing politicians in maintaining a cohesive platform.

In late January, Tucker Carlson visited Canada, meeting with influential Canadian politicians and political commentators. This cross-border exchange of ideas and strategies demonstrates the interconnected nature of right-wing movements around the world, as conservative figures collaborate to advance their shared goals.

In this edition of 'Brooding,' Kathryn Jezer-Morton asks whether parents can prevent their sons from sliding politically to the right, highlighting the role of family dynamics in shaping political beliefs. The influence of parental values and upbringing on ideological leanings underscores the complex factors that contribute to the spread of right-wing ideologies.

Polls show that young Europeans are fueling the growth of the far right across Europe. The first test of their influence is in Portugal's upcoming election, where conservative parties are expected to make significant gains. The rise of right-wing movements among younger generations reflects a broader trend of shifting political ideologies in Europe and beyond.

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