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The Two Parts of the U.S. Congress: A Comprehensive Overview

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Exploring the structure, functions, and impact of the U.S. Congress.

description: an aerial view of the u.s. capitol building, the iconic home of the u.s. congress, surrounded by lush greenery and bustling streets. the image captures the grandeur and historical significance of this legislative institution.

While presidents often first sweep into office with their party controlling both the House and Senate along with the executive branch, the U.S. Congress remains a crucial entity in the American political landscape. Comprised of two distinct parts, the House of Representatives and the Senate, Congress plays a pivotal role in shaping the nation's laws, policies, and budgets.

The House of Representatives, also known simply as the House, is the lower chamber of Congress. With 435 voting members, each representing a congressional district, the House is designed to be a reflection of the population's diversity. Members of the House serve two-year terms and are responsible for introducing and voting on legislation related to taxation, spending, and other domestic issues.

On the other hand, the Senate, the upper chamber of Congress, consists of 100 senators, two from each state. Senators serve staggered six-year terms, providing continuity and stability to the legislative process. The Senate plays a crucial role in confirming presidential appointments, ratifying treaties, and acting as a check on the executive branch's power.

A divided Congress and other issues have led to the lowest number of bills passed in the first year of a congressional session in history, highlighting the challenges of legislative gridlock and partisan polarization. Despite this, Congress has managed bipartisan votes on controversial issues in an election year, demonstrating the potential for cooperation across party lines.

On November 14, the U.S. House voted 336-95 to pass a two-part, or “laddered,” Continuing Resolution to extend Fiscal Year 2023 spending and avoid a government shutdown. This bipartisan effort underscores the importance of compromise and negotiation in the legislative process.

See how the structure of the nation's electoral system has long favored just two major parties, leading to a political landscape dominated by the Democratic and Republican parties. A proportional representation system would elect multiple representatives in each district, distributing seats in the legislature roughly in proportion to the population's preferences.

By a 5-percentage-point margin, more Americans say the Republican Party can effectively manage the federal government (30%) than say this about the Democratic Party (25%). This perception of party competence influences voter behavior and electoral outcomes.

By Vijay Kranti. Foreign Relations Committee of US Senate clears the way for the new US law, which recognizes Tibet as an 'Occupied Country', highlighting the intersection of domestic politics and international relations. The US Congress plays a crucial role in shaping the government's global health policy and addressing transnational challenges.

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