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Adam Frankel: A Candidate for Palm Beach County Public Defender

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Defense lawyers criticize misleading tactics in public defender race.

description: a man in a suit speaking at a community event, surrounded by supporters holding campaign signs. the audience appears engaged and supportive of the candidate's message.

A group of defense lawyers in Palm Beach County writes to criticize the misleading political tactics of a public defender candidate, Adam Frankel. The lawyers' group is taking issue with a flyer accusing one candidate of favoring lower bail to allow "some accused felons back on the street." Justice on The Ballot continues covering the candidates for Palm Beach County Public Defender.

“I have known Adam Frankel for 20 years,” Aronberg said, “and I am certain he will run an excellent Public Defender's Office where individuals can receive fair and just representation.” The winner of a Tuesday, Aug. 20 primary open to all voters will become the first public defender besides the retiring Carey Haughwout to lead the office.

Adam Frankel, a five-time elected Delray Beach City Commissioner, is running for Palm Beach County Public Defender. He has a strong background in public service and a commitment to providing quality legal representation to those in need. Frankel's campaign has been focused on issues such as criminal justice reform, reducing recidivism, and ensuring equal access to justice for all residents of Palm Beach County.

If there was once a clear distinction between the roles of public defender and state attorney, it became blurred as a low-key race to lead the Palm Beach County Public Defender's Office gained attention. Adam Frankel has been vocal about his plans to bring innovative solutions to the office and work towards a more efficient and effective criminal justice system.

In a statement, Frankel emphasized the importance of addressing systemic issues within the criminal justice system and working towards fair and just outcomes for all individuals. He has pledged to improve resources for public defenders, increase access to alternative sentencing programs, and advocate for policies that prioritize rehabilitation over incarceration.

PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, May 3, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Adam Frankel, five-time elected Delray Beach City Commissioner and candidate for Palm Beach County Public Defender, has garnered support from community leaders, legal professionals, and residents who believe in his vision for a more equitable criminal justice system.

PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, April 24, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Adam Frankel, five-time elected Delray Beach City Commissioner, is running for Palm Beach County Public Defender. His campaign has focused on promoting fairness, integrity, and accountability within the criminal justice system.

Adam Frankel, candidate for Palm Beach County Public Defender, has been actively engaging with voters and sharing his platform for reforming the criminal justice system. He has emphasized the need for increased transparency, accountability, and community engagement within the public defender's office.

Overall, Adam Frankel's campaign for Palm Beach County Public Defender has centered on the values of justice, fairness, and equality. He is committed to ensuring that all individuals have access to quality legal representation and fair treatment under the law. As the election approaches, voters will have the opportunity to choose a candidate who will uphold these principles and work towards a more just society.

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