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The Aging Faces of Congress: Examining the Oldest Lawmakers

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A deep dive into the oldest members of Congress in 2024.

description: an elderly lawmaker in a dark-colored business suit standing at a table, surrounded by colleagues during a congressional hearing. the seasoned politician exudes confidence and experience, embodying the wisdom of age in the halls of congress.

As the age issue dominates the 2024 presidential election cycle, a look at the average age of congressional lawmakers reveals a significant trend towards older representatives and senators. The 118th Congress is filled with seasoned politicians, many of whom have been serving in Washington for decades. Here Are the 20 Oldest Members of Congress: 1. Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, 90 (retiring) 2. Senator Charles E. Grassley...

  1. Sen. Chuck Grassley (90 years old). Sen. Chuck Grassley wearing a dark-colored business suit and standing at a table ... Following Feinstein's recent announcement of retirement, Grassley will become the oldest serving member of Congress. With over four decades of experience in the Senate, his age has not deterred him from actively participating in legislative matters.

More than half of the U.S. Senate is over age 60, indicating a generational shift in the composition of Congress. The older members bring a wealth of experience and institutional knowledge, but there are also concerns about their ability to keep up with the demands of a rapidly changing world. As technology advances and new policy challenges emerge, younger lawmakers may be better equipped to address these issues.

Looking for the age of every member of the 118th Congress? Get FiscalNote's report on the age of Congress, including the oldest, youngest, and interesting statistics. This data provides valuable insights into the demographics of the legislative branch and how age influences decision-making and policy outcomes.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the oldest member of Congress, was briefly hospitalized after a fall at home, highlighting the physical challenges that come with old age. Despite her health scare, Feinstein has been a formidable presence in the Senate, known for her advocacy on gun control and environmental issues. Her retirement marks the end of an era in California politics.

2: Grace Napolitano (1936) · Age as of Oct. 11, 2023: 86 years, 10 months, 7 days · Serving in: House of Representatives · Party: Democrat. Napolitano's longevity in Congress reflects the dedication and commitment of older lawmakers who continue to serve their constituents with passion and vigor. As one of the longest-serving members of the House, she has made significant contributions to mental health and infrastructure policy.

Dianne Feinstein, who died Thursday night, was the longest-serving U.S. senator in California history. She was 90, leaving behind a legacy of public service and leadership that will be remembered for years to come. Feinstein's passing underscores the importance of honoring the contributions of older lawmakers and recognizing their impact on shaping the nation's laws and policies.

In Washington, legislation that could ban TikTok in the U.S. passed with overwhelming support in the House, including the... This decision reflects the growing concerns about national security and the influence of foreign-owned apps on American users. As lawmakers grapple with complex issues like cybersecurity and data privacy, the age of Congress members becomes a relevant factor in shaping legislative responses to emerging threats.

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