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Controversy Surrounding Netanyahu's Congress Speech

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Congressional leaders invite Netanyahu to address Congress amidst boycotts and criticism.

the image shows a group of congressional leaders standing together with a foreign dignitary. the foreign dignitary is seen shaking hands with one of the congressional leaders, while the others look on. the image captures the tension and controversy surrounding the invitation extended to the foreign dignitary to address congress.

A growing chorus of House Democrats say they're planning to steer clear of next month's speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This decision comes in response to the controversy surrounding the invitation extended to Netanyahu by the top four congressional leaders. Former House Speaker says she would not have invited Netanyahu to address Congress had she still been serving as Speaker, highlighting the divisiveness of the issue.

Despite the boycotts and criticism, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted the invitation from congressional leaders to address a joint session of Congress. This will mark his fourth time addressing a joint session, making him the first foreign leader to do so. The decision to invite Netanyahu has sparked debates about the relationship between the US and Israel, as well as concerns about the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

Sen. Bernie Sanders plans to boycott Netanyahu's speech in protest of the war with Hamas. Sanders' decision reflects the deepening divide within Congress over the issue of Israeli-Palestinian relations. Congressional leaders have invited Netanyahu to deliver an address at the U.S. Capitol, further fueling the controversy surrounding the upcoming speech.

The top four congressional leaders have formally invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint meeting of Congress. This move has drawn criticism from some members of Congress who believe that Netanyahu's speech will be used to promote his own political agenda. Despite the backlash, Netanyahu has accepted the invitation and is set to address Congress in the near future.

In the midst of the controversy, Netanyahu's speech to Congress has become a focal point for discussions about US foreign policy and national security. The decision to invite him has raised questions about the role of Congress in shaping international relations and the impact of foreign leaders addressing Congress. Some lawmakers have expressed concerns about the implications of Netanyahu's speech on US-Israeli relations and the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.

Sen. Bernie Sanders said he won't attend Netanyahu's joint remarks to Congress, further highlighting the divisions within Congress over the issue. Sanders' boycott is seen as a form of protest against Netanyahu's policies and the ongoing conflicts in the region. Despite the boycotts and criticisms, Netanyahu's speech to Congress is expected to draw significant attention from lawmakers and the public alike.

The controversy surrounding Netanyahu's Congress speech underscores the complexities of US-Israeli relations and the challenges of addressing the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East. Netanyahu's acceptance of the invitation has reignited debates about the role of Congress in shaping foreign policy and the impact of foreign leaders addressing Congress. The upcoming speech is expected to be closely watched by lawmakers and the international community.

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