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Democrat Gabriel Njinimbot: A Beacon of Hope for Maryland's 4th Congressional District

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Gabriel Njinimbot's inspiring journey to Congress in Maryland's 4th District.

description: a young man with a warm smile, wearing a suit and tie, stands confidently in front of a group of diverse supporters holding signs that say "njinimbot for congress." he exudes a sense of optimism and determination as he addresses the crowd with passion and conviction.

For immediate release July 6, 2023 Contact: Scott Tillman, U.S. Term Limits Phone: (321) 345-7455 stillman@termlimits.com Gabriel Njinimbot is a beacon of hope for Maryland's 4th Congressional District. His story is one of resilience, compassion, and unwavering commitment. As the Democratic primary approaches, Marylanders have a unique opportunity to elect a candidate who truly understands their struggles and aspirations.

Dear listeners, in this episode; I have with me Gabriel Njinimbot to discuss his run for congress journey. Njinimbot's platform focuses on addressing income inequality, healthcare access, and education reform. He is a vocal advocate for marginalized communities and has a clear vision for a more equitable future.

Democratic candidate Joseph Gomes and incumbent Glenn F. Ivey did not complete the questionnaire, highlighting Njinimbot's dedication to transparency and accountability in his campaign. Njinimbot recognizes the inequalities prevalent across the nation and has witnessed firsthand the gap between working-class individuals and the elite.

As Election Day approaches, Marylanders are looking for a candidate who will fight for their interests in Congress. U.S. House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer has endorsed Del. Jazz M. Lewis for the open 4th congressional seat, but Njinimbot's grassroots campaign is gaining momentum with each passing day.

Gabriel Njinimbot's commitment to social justice and economic equality resonates with voters who are tired of politics as usual. His message of hope and unity has struck a chord with Marylanders from all walks of life, and he is poised to bring about real change in Washington.

In a time of uncertainty and division, Njinimbot offers a fresh perspective and a genuine desire to serve the people of Maryland. His background as a community organizer and advocate for the voiceless sets him apart from other candidates in the race.

Njinimbot's focus on gun control, national security, and international relations aligns with the priorities of voters in Maryland's 4th District. He understands the complex challenges facing the country and is prepared to tackle them head-on with courage and determination.

Source: Election results and race calls are from The Associated Press. Produced by Michael Andre, Camille Baker, Neil Berg. Joseph Gomes (Democratic Party) is running for election to the U.S. House to represent Maryland's 4th Congressional District.

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