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Rick Coplen: The Democrat vying for Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District

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Rick Coplen, a retired Army officer and small business owner, runs for Congress.

rick coplen

Rick Coplen is a Democrat who is running to represent Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District. He's a retired Army officer and member of the community, serving as a school board member in Carlisle. Coplen is also a small business co-owner and a leader in an area nonprofit. With a strong background in service and leadership, he has announced his candidacy for the United States House of Representatives in the 2024 primary election.

Late on Tuesday, Rick Coplen announced that he would run in the 2024 primary for the 10th congressional district, which includes all of Dauphin County and parts of Cumberland and York counties. His decision to enter the race comes as a response to the need for new leadership in the district and a desire to bring about positive change for the community.

During a recent debate among Democratic candidates for the 10th Congressional District, Rick Coplen stood out with his clear vision for the future. He emphasized the importance of affordable healthcare, quality education, and job creation as key priorities for his campaign. Coplen's platform focuses on issues that directly impact the lives of constituents in the district, showcasing his commitment to serving the needs of the community.

In a competitive field of candidates vying for the Democratic nomination, Rick Coplen has emerged as a strong contender. His experience as a military veteran and dedication to public service have resonated with voters, who see him as a trustworthy and capable leader. Coplen's track record of community involvement and advocacy for progressive policies sets him apart as a candidate who is ready to make a difference in Congress.

The debate among Democratic candidates in Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District highlighted the diverse perspectives and ideas brought forth by each contender. Rick Coplen's presence on the stage showcased his ability to communicate effectively and connect with voters on important issues. His commitment to transparency and accountability in government resonated with the audience, earning him support from those seeking a candidate who puts the needs of the people first.

HERSHEY— Five Democrats running to challenge U.S. Rep. Scott Perry (R-York) in Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District answered a variety of questions during a recent forum. Rick Coplen's responses demonstrated his knowledge of the issues facing the district and his dedication to finding solutions that benefit all residents. His focus on healthcare, education, and economic development resonated with voters looking for a candidate who prioritizes the well-being of the community.

The six candidates in the race for the Democratic nomination for Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District faced off in a debate on Tuesday, discussing their plans for addressing key issues such as healthcare, climate change, and gun violence. Rick Coplen's platform emphasized the importance of investing in infrastructure and creating opportunities for economic growth in the district. His message of unity and progress struck a chord with voters seeking a candidate who can bring people together to achieve meaningful change.

In a photo from a recent campaign event, Rick Coplen is seen shaking hands with fellow candidate John Broadhurst. Both men are vying for the Democratic nomination in Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District, showcasing a spirit of camaraderie and respect among competitors. The image captures a moment of collaboration and mutual support as the candidates work towards a common goal of representing their community in Congress.

rick coplendemocratpennsylvania's 10th congressional districtarmy officersmall business ownercommunity leadercampaigndebatehealthcareeducationeconomic developmentunitycollaborationdemocratic nomination
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