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Judge Arthur Engoron Orders Donald Trump and His Companies to Pay $355 Million in Civil Fraud Case

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New York judge rules against former president in civil fraud trial.

description: an anonymous image showing a courtroom scene with a judge presiding over the trial. lawyers from both sides can be seen presenting their arguments while spectators observe the proceedings.

For more than three years, Justice Arthur F. Engoron has been ruling against the former president. On Friday, he handed Donald J. Trump a significant blow as he ordered him and his companies to pay nearly $355 million in a ruling in the New York civil fraud case. The judgment comes as a result of a long-standing legal battle that has kept the world waiting for a resolution.

Donald Trump suffered a big blow Friday as a New York judge ordered the former president and his companies to pay $355 million in penalties. The ruling, issued by Judge Arthur Engoron, is part of the ongoing civil fraud case that has been closely watched by the public and legal experts alike. This decision marks a significant setback for Trump, who has been fighting against these allegations for years.

After keeping the world waiting for an extra couple of weeks, Judge Arthur Engoron released his judgment in Donald Trump's civil fraud trial. The ruling orders Trump and his companies to pay nearly $355 million in penalties and other sanctions. Engoron's decision comes as a major blow to the former president, who has been seeking the Republican presidential nomination and setting up a likely rematch with President Joe Biden.

Donald Trump could be hit with millions of dollars in penalties and other sanctions in the decision by Judge Arthur Engoron. Engoron has already ruled against Trump in the civil fraud trial, and this latest ruling further adds to the legal troubles faced by the former president. The penalties and sanctions imposed are expected to have significant financial implications for Trump and his businesses.

Justice Arthur Engoron has delivered his verdict in Donald Trump's New York civil fraud trial. In his ruling, Engoron ordered the former president, his company, and affiliated entities to pay nearly $355 million in penalties. This judgment is the culmination of a lengthy legal battle that has seen Trump fighting against these allegations for years. Engoron's verdict is likely to have far-reaching consequences for Trump and his future political aspirations.

The fraud trial ruling comes as Donald Trump seeks the Republican presidential nomination, setting up a likely rematch with President Joe Biden. Judge Arthur Engoron's decision in the New York civil fraud case adds another layer of complexity to Trump's political ambitions. The financial penalties imposed by the ruling could impact Trump's campaign and fundraising efforts, potentially affecting his chances in the upcoming election.

New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron ruled Friday in the civil business fraud case against former president Donald Trump and his companies. Engoron's judgment requires Trump and his entities to pay nearly $355 million in penalties, marking a significant legal setback for the former president. The ruling brings an end to a lengthy legal battle and highlights the potential consequences of engaging in fraudulent business practices.

Judge Arthur Engoron ordered Donald Trump and his companies to pay nearly $355 million in a ruling in the New York civil fraud case. The decision comes after years of legal proceedings and represents a significant blow to Trump's reputation and financial standing. Engoron's ruling underscores the importance of upholding ethical business practices and holding individuals accountable for fraudulent actions.

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