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The Purpose of a Political Party's Platform

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Exploring the goals and importance of a political party's platform.

description: a group of people holding signs and chanting at a political rally. they are wearing shirts with the logo of a political party. there are american flags in the background.

Kudos to Jeff Erding for writing “Fact Checking the Haters,” April 20, 2020; as a counter to the misinformation and outright lies put out by political parties during election season. In today's world, it can be hard to discern the facts from the rhetoric, especially when it comes to politics. Political parties use their platforms to communicate their beliefs, plans, and goals to voters. But what exactly is the purpose of a political party's platform? In this article, we will explore the goals and importance of a political party's platform.

A political party's platform is essentially a written document that outlines the party's positions on various issues. It is a statement of the party's beliefs, goals, and objectives. The platform is usually created by a committee made up of party officials and representatives. The committee will debate and negotiate the platform, and the final version will be voted on and approved by the party's members.

The purpose of a political party's platform is to state the goals of the party and its position on issues. It is a way for the party to communicate with voters and to persuade them to vote for their candidates. The platform is also used as a tool for party members to hold their candidates accountable. If a candidate goes against the party's platform, they may face backlash from their own party members.

One of the first things I did after seeing the depressing election news this morning was check to see which of my Facebook friends 'like' political parties. It was interesting to see the diversity of opinions among my friends. Some were very passionate about one party while others were more moderate or even apathetic. This just goes to show how important it is for political parties to have a clear and concise platform. Voters want to know what the party stands for and what they plan to do if elected.

The platform is also used as a way for political parties to differentiate themselves from their opponents. By stating their position on various issues, parties can highlight the differences between themselves and their opponents. This can be especially important in a tight election where every vote counts.

When creating a platform, political parties will often focus on issues that are important to their base. For example, a conservative party may focus on issues such as lower taxes, smaller government, and a strong military. A liberal party may focus on issues such as healthcare, education, and social justice. By focusing on these issues, parties can rally their base and energize them to get out and vote.

Another important aspect of a political party's platform is that it can change over time. As the political climate changes, parties may need to adjust their positions on certain issues. For example, a party that was once against same-sex marriage may eventually change their stance as public opinion shifts.

In conclusion, the purpose of a political party's platform is to state the goals of the party and its position on issues. The platform is a way for the party to communicate with voters and to persuade them to vote for their candidates. It is also used as a tool for party members to hold their candidates accountable. The platform is an important part of the election process and helps voters make informed decisions at the ballot box.

political partyplatformbeliefsgoalsobjectivescommitteecandidatesaccountabilitydifferentiatebaseissuespublic opinionelection

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