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The 118th Congress: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Road Ahead

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An in-depth analysis of the 118th Congress, its members, priorities, and the issues they face.

A diverse group of members of the 118th Congress seated in the House of Representatives chamber, listening to a speaker at the podium.

The 118th Congress is currently in session, with members facing numerous challenges and opportunities as they work to represent their constituents and address pressing national issues. The APSA Congressional Fellowship Program Director, Meghan McConaughey, moderated a virtual panel discussing these matters. The panelists included Jason Casellas, a political scientist, and other experts in the field.

While understandably preoccupied with a banking crisis and that frightening $31 trillion debt, the 118th Congress must awaken and address the multitude of other issues facing the nation. These include national security, healthcare, education, climate change, and social justice reforms. The 118th Congress has a diverse group of members, with at least 81 voting members being foreign-born or having at least one parent who was born in another country, according to a Pew Research report.

USA TODAY's Women of the Year honors those of the 118th U.S. Congress. Women form more than a quarter of voting members, the highest in U.S. history. This diversity brings unique perspectives and experiences to the legislative process, enabling Congress to better address the needs of all Americans.

Legislative priorities for the 118th Congress include prioritizing public health programs to help protect every community and the nation from preventable illnesses. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of robust public health infrastructure, and Congress must continue to support efforts to improve healthcare access and outcomes.

Another priority is addressing the nation's growing debt. In the 118th Congress, which runs through January 3, 2025, Republicans have majority control of the House of Representatives. This presents an opportunity for bipartisan cooperation on fiscal responsibility and meaningful debt reduction strategies.

Today, Speaker Kevin McCarthy held his first signing ceremony in the 118th Congress for H.J. Res. 30, a bipartisan joint resolution aimed at addressing pressing issues. This event symbolizes the potential for bipartisan collaboration in the 118th Congress, which will be crucial to achieving meaningful progress on critical issues.

Chairman Smith's opening statement at the markup of the Oversight Plan for the 118th Congress on February 28, 2023, emphasized the importance of transparency, accountability, and efficiency in government operations. Ensuring the proper functioning of government agencies and programs will be key to addressing the many challenges facing the nation.

In addition to these priorities, the 118th Congress must also tackle issues related to national security, such as cyber threats and foreign interference in American institutions. It will be crucial for Congress to work closely with the White House and relevant agencies to develop comprehensive strategies for addressing these threats and protecting the nation's interests.

International relations will also be a key focus for the 118th Congress, as it works to maintain and strengthen alliances, promote democracy and human rights, and address global challenges such as climate change and terrorism. Effective diplomacy and cooperation with international partners will be essential to achieving these goals.

On gun laws, the 118th Congress will need to balance the right to bear arms with the need to protect public safety. This may involve efforts to strengthen background checks, close loopholes, and support research into gun violence prevention.

The 118th Congress has an opportunity to make significant progress on a wide range of issues facing the nation. Through bipartisan collaboration, a focus on the priorities outlined above, and a commitment to representing the diverse needs of all Americans, the 118th Congress can achieve meaningful change and leave a lasting impact on the nation's future.

118th congresschallengesprioritiesdiversitydebtpublic healthnational securityinternational relationsgun lawsbipartisan collaboration

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