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Discover Your Political Identity with the "I Side With" Political Quiz

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Test your knowledge and beliefs to find your political typology.

description: an anonymous image showing a diverse group of individuals engaged in a lively political discussion. the image captures people of different ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds, symbolizing the diverse range of perspectives and beliefs that exist within the political landscape.

Test how closely you followed the news this summer. Stay up-to-date with current events to better understand your political views and beliefs. Take our quiz to find out which one of our nine political typology groups is your best match.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away the Galactic Empire was split between those using the Dark Side of the Force to accomplish their goals and those who fought for the Light Side. Just like in Star Wars, our society is divided into various political groups with different ideologies. Take our quiz and discover where you stand in the political landscape.

Recent polls suggest that Republicans and Democrats have slightly different tastes that have nothing to do with politics. If you like cats, The Beatles, or prefer summer over winter, it doesn't necessarily mean you lean left or right. Take our quiz and find out your "political thumbprint," a visual representation of your political beliefs. We'll then tell you who of the political figures you align with the most.

To better understand what divides -- and unites -- Americans today, the Pew Research Center created its Political Typology Quiz. By answering a series of questions, you'll discover which political typology group you belong to. Gain insights into your political beliefs and find common ground with others.

We asked the hot new artificial intelligence system to take four popular political quizzes. Guess what we found? The AI system demonstrated a remarkable ability to accurately predict users' political leanings based on their quiz responses. Take our quiz and see how well the AI system can predict your political typology.

The Post has asked each Democratic candidate where they stand on more than 85 policy questions. Now, it's your turn to answer our favorites. By taking our quiz, you'll not only learn about your political beliefs but also see which Democratic candidate aligns most closely with your views.

The idea that Americans are polarized makes it seem as if there are only two sides in politics — liberal and conservative, Democratic and Republican. However, the reality is much more nuanced. Take our quiz and uncover your unique political identity, which may fall outside the traditional left-right spectrum.

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